lets here it for bush


Active Member
man after all the liberal media crap and bush bashing , i have to give this guy a lot of credit, still standing with his head held high and doing a great job
ty president bush


Active Member
I loved how Cheney was smirking in the background as Bush talked about deploying another 20k troops to Iraq. I'll give this admin plenty of props; they have done a great job of further vilifying the US to our ever growing list of enemies in the middle east and other parts of the world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
Credit for what ? What has he done to earn any credit at all ?

Pretty sure that you have a house to live in and you are free to type whatever you want...


Yeah I do, but that is not cause of him. What has Bush done that allows me to buy a house and be able to type a sentence on the internet ?
I pay higher gas prices then I ever had, innocent kids are fighting and dying in Iraq for what ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
Yeah I do, but that is not cause of him. What has Bush done that allows me to buy a house and be able to type a sentence on the internet ?
I pay higher gas prices then I ever had, innocent kids are fighting and dying in Iraq for what ?
If they hadn't invaded Iraq we would surely be under the control of Saddam, all of those weapons of mass destruction were aimed our way...lmao!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
If they hadn't invaded Iraq we would surely be under the control of Saddam, all of those weapons of mass destruction were aimed our way...lmao!



Watson, I am sure everyone here on this board appreciates what every US soldier has done in Iraq, I support the troops, however, the president has put our troops in harms way for no good reason. I supported Bush in his effort to get Osama Bin Laden, but he strayed from that and once he went into Iraq he lost my support and my respect. He went into Iraq without a plan and we are still stuck there and now deploying more troops. For who ? For what ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3

Thats me helping you not learn a new national language..
Our grandfathers who fought in WWII are the only ones who can claim to have kept our national language safe and secure.
As a Nation, what have we gained? Seems like we have only lost lives of our young, international credibility and have further strengthen the resolve of terrorists.


Active Member
Note to everyone;
Typically as mods we leave these discussions open until they become a Bash fest/Flame war. Keep your comments civil please.


Originally Posted by Jmick
As a Nation, what have we gained? Seems like we have only lost lives of our young, international credibility and have further strengthen the resolve of terrorists.

I agree 100%. Bush deserves no credit what so ever. What ever he gets from the liberals or the media it is well deserved.


Active Member
And how many times have we been attacked in the US since...
Right...There are many ways to look at things...People thought that the World Wars were useless as they were happening, and you cannot even compare the numbers of casualties with whats happening now...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Note to everyone;
Typically as mods we leave these discussions open until they become a Bash fest/Flame war. Keep your comments civil please.
hmmm .. something to keep in mind


Originally Posted by watson3
And how many times have we been attacked in the US since...
Right...There are many ways to look at things...People thought that the World Wars were useless as they were happening, and you cannot even compare the numbers of casualties with whats happening now...
You can't even compare the world wars to what is happening now. In the World Wars we were asked to help the other countries in need, we had world support back then.
We invaded Iraq ! We were the aggressor. Iraq at the time did nothing to harm us. Bush did not do his homework and for that he needs to be critized and blamed. For its him and him alone that got us into this mess. All this while the mastermind behind 9/11 is still walking free and getting more supporters then ever before. Yeah thanks a lot Bush, good job !!


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
And how many times have we been attacked in the US since...
Right...There are many ways to look at things...People thought that the World Wars were useless as they were happening, and you cannot even compare the numbers of casualties with whats happening now...
Why would they come to the US to launch attacks when there are a lot of US soldiers to kill in their own back yard and to thwart any gains we make there?


Originally Posted by watson3
I beleive my avatar speaks for itself...

You can say what you want, but you have yet to make a point. You have yet to give us any reasons why Bush deserves credit. So what you say to this point is meaningless.