lets here it for bush


Active Member
this thread is getting no where fast .. i was intereseted at first but now it's just repeating the same opinions over and over ..


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Originally Posted by Jmick
Do you really believe that they are going to have a stable democracy? The whole world knows we are setting up a puppet government who is going to look after our own oil interests in Iraq and I find it very hard to believe that they will stand for that. On top of that, it’s going against 1000’s of years of their culture and culture is a very hard thing to change.
Come on, I don’t think for a second that we’d have to worry ever day about terrorists attacking us on our own soil. America as a whole has become very wary and on the look out for anyone suspicious. The government played up the whole terror threat to play into their own interests.
The culture argument went out the window when 10 million locals faced death to vote and proudly displayed the ink on their fingers.
A puppet government? So we've suddenly become imperialists? Again, last time I checked Iraq was exporting millions of barrels of oil and I wasn't getting any of it at a discounted price... That's a nice conspiracy theory, but a little light in evidence.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jam1e
this thread is getting no where fast .. i was intereseted at first but now it's just repeating the same opinions over and over ..
Thanks for the input..


Originally Posted by Jam1e
this thread is getting no where fast .. i was intereseted at first but now it's just repeating the same opinions over and over ..
yes your correct and it has gotten off topic. I still dont see anything backing the statement that bush deserves credit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
Thanks you Watson, I didnt have time to look it up lol
Not to be exceedingly rude, but the fact that you could not spell the argument you were making


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3

Thats me helping you not learn a new national language..
Do they teach you that stuff or did you come up with that on your own?
Please, anyone who believes we are going to change an ideology with our military might is deluding themselves. This is not a war on terror, as the administration would have us believe. This is Bush's personal crusade, and it is not going as he had planned. His response; send more troops! That'll fix 'em! Hardly. He has a poorly defined agenda, and no plausible exit strategy. The frightening part is that only he can decide when the job is done and in the meantime, we sacrifice more and more of our own.
By the by...I'm a Republican and a moderate conservative, but I think GW is a chimp and am looking forward to the end of his "dynasty".


what does my spelling have to do with credit to bush ? You've never mis-spelled a word before ? I dont think you've made a point yet Watson.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
yes your correct and it has gotten off topic. I still dont see anything backing the statement that bush deserves credit.
The fact that you are alive and well...The fact that the terrorists are not detonating bombs in our marketplaces..Who else do you think deserves that credit


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Thanks for the input..

anytime home slice .. just trying to get you to look at it from my point of view .. no offence or anything .. just saying that the thread was started as a tribute to someone the "starter" respected .. if you didn't have the same point of view let it be .. don't turn it into a pointless argument


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
...Come on, I don’t think for a second that we’d have to worry ever day about terrorists attacking us on our own soil. America as a whole has become very wary and on the look out for anyone suspicious. The government played up the whole terror threat to play into their own interests.
jmick, that comment stunned me.
THEY DECLARED WAR on us... why would they stop?
Al Qeada made it clear that they attacked us on 9-11 because of our lack of military reprisals in the 90's. The reason Afghanistan fell so quickly was because we stunned them by invading. They didn't think we had the resolve.


Originally Posted by watson3
The fact that you are alive and well...The fact that the terrorists are not detonating bombs in our marketplaces..Who else do you think deserves that credit

OMG Watson you have to be kidding me with that statement. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasnt Bush our president when we were in fact attacked in our own back yard? Now again correct me if I am wrong, was it Saddam or Bin Laden behind that attack ? And I do believe I spelled all the words correctly.


Active Member
I am checking over them, and you did...You are ready to blame Bush for the attacks, but his retaliation seems unwarranted in your eyes?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
jmick, that comment stunned me.
THEY DECLARED WAR on us... why would they stop?
Al Qeada made it clear that they attacked us on 9-11 because of our lack of military reprisals in the 90's. The reason Afghanistan fell so quickly was because we stunned them by invading. They didn't think we had the resolve.
Finally a correct statement....Al Qeada attacked us, yes this is correct. Al Qeada was in what country at the time ? oh yes Afghanistan, not Iraq.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
To answer your question, if Bush finished the job agains Bin Laden and not had turned his attention to Iraq, I fully believe that there would be much less attacks. Again the reason Al Qeada is in Iraq is because we invaded Iraq, we handed them on a silver platter our american troops and said "here you go Al Qeada, we are here in Iraq, come get us." and that is exactly what they did.
There is no need for Al Qeada to try and get inside our borders right now, we are in their backyard.
The difference people overlook here is that our military is far more capable of fighting terrorists than our flight attendants and police officers.
And that is exactly my point. We've drawn Al Qeada into a war in "their" backyard, fighting our military, instead in our backyard fighting our civilians.


Originally Posted by watson3
I am checking over them, and you did...You are ready to blame Bush for the attacks, but his retaliation seems unwarranted in your eyes?

Not at all Watson, if you read what I wrote earlier you will notice that I said I supported bush after the attacks when he invaded Afghanistan. My problem lies in Iraq, we have no business being there. We had no business attacking Iraq. They were not behind the attacks on 9/11.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
Finally a correct statement....Al Qeada attacked us, yes this is correct. Al Qeada was in what country at the time ? oh yes Afghanistan, not Iraq.
Did I post anything thus far that wasn't factual?
Please quote it and refute it and I'll happily retract.

bang guy

I'm quite pleased with the turn-around in the economy. That's quite an accomplishment concidering what he had to work with.
I'm very displeased that we are borrowing so much money from China. I believe that's a strategic blunder but I'm just a reef geek without access to the big picture.
As far as the war goes, the majority of the House & Senate voted to send troops, Dems and Reps both, this wasn't a Republican issue. The polls at the time showed that 87% of the U.S. wanted to send troops. Personally, I thought it was a big mistake when all those Senators voted to invade Iraq but the trigger has been pulled and we should let the military do their job. Get politics out of it once the troops have been sent.
I believe it's totally irresponsible to vote to send troops and then vote to pull them out before they finish the job. It's even worse to vote to send them over and then try to convince the public that it was someone else's fault. Hypocrites!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
jmick, that comment stunned me.
THEY DECLARED WAR on us... why would they stop?
Al Qeada made it clear that they attacked us on 9-11 because of our lack of military reprisals in the 90's. The reason Afghanistan fell so quickly was because we stunned them by invading. They didn't think we had the resolve.
I am a lot more worried about our own home grown terrorists then I am Al Qeada. If you see a group of suspicious looking Arabs you are probably going to call the police. If you see some white guy parked in front of an abortion clinic you think nothing of it. Like I mentioned earlier, we as a nation have become a lot more consciences and on the look out. If half the population was Arab then we might have to worry but there are so few they tend to stick out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Did I post anything thus far that wasn't factual?
Please quote it and refute it and I'll happily retract.
I am currently getting into the car to come and applaud you...