lets here it for bush


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'll trade it in for a prayer for my buddy Karl, who works for Blackwater. He's a mechanic who frequently flies on missions to check out the copters. I'm waiting to hear back from him. Haven't heard anything since that Blackwater copter went down.
Journeyman...I'm currently checking into employment with Blackwater or Blackhawk.
Would you mind shootin' me an email, if you have any first hand/second hand knowledge of either?
I emailed you and removed your email address.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
Not at all Watson, if you read what I wrote earlier you will notice that I said I supported bush after the attacks when he invaded Afghanistan. My problem lies in Iraq, we have no business being there. We had no business attacking Iraq. They were not behind the attacks on 9/11.
Iraq invaded our Ally, Kuwait. We responded. Contrary to an earlier post, we did not have the world's support. The coalition wouldn't allow us to finish the job. That, imho, is not support.
Iraq signed a peace deal. Iraq continually targetted and fired at our troops thus breaking the peace deal.
That's all the reason we need to go back in.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Iraq invaded our Ally, Kuwait. We responded. Contrary to an earlier post, we did not have the world's support. The coalition wouldn't allow us to finish the job. That, imho, is not support.
Iraq signed a peace deal. Iraq continually targetted and fired at our troops thus breaking the peace deal.
That's all the reason we need to go back in.

We did finsish the job, we rid Kuwait of Saddam. That is all we were asked to do. And since we didnt have the worlds support we did not go into Iraq. Which I believe was the right decision


Active Member
So where would we be now if Clinton would have gotten rid of Bin Laden ? Dems never really bring this up...


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This has been fun but I have sales calls to make.
I think we call all agree on one thing, we'd like to see the number of body bages coming home decrease.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I am a lot more worried about our own home grown terrorists then I am Al Qeada. If you see a group of suspicious looking Arabs you are probably going to call the police. If you see some white guy parked in front of an abortion clinic you think nothing of it. Like I mentioned earlier, we as a nation have become a lot more consciences and on the look out. If half the population was Arab then we might have to worry but there are so few they tend to stick out.
It took 19 to kill 3,000. I'm thinking that the odds aren't that cozy.
Home grown terrorists are dealt with by our civilian authorities. Oklahoma was bad, but certainly not on the scale of 9-11. Abortion clinic bombins are bad, as are church bombings (which seem to get much less media play), but again they can be dealt with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
This has been fun but I have sales calls to make.
Rearrange the schedule ?


Hey guys lets try to get back to the topic here..... Please tell me why bush deserves credit. What has he done to earn credit ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I'm quite pleased with the turn-around in the economy. That's quite an accomplishment concidering what he had to work with.
I'm very displeased that we are borrowing so much money from China. I believe that's a strategic blunder but I'm just a reef geek without access to the big picture.
As far as the war goes, the majority of the House & Senate voted to send troops, Dems and Reps both, this wasn't a Republican issue. The polls at the time showed that 87% of the U.S. wanted to send troops. Personally, I thought it was a big mistake when all those Senators voted to invade Iraq but the trigger has been pulled and we should let the military do their job. Get politics out of it once the troops have been sent.
I believe it's totally irresponsible to vote to send troops and then vote to pull them out before they finish the job. It's even worse to vote to send them over and then try to convince the public that it was someone else's fault. Hypocrites!
I was for sending troops, but am with everything else ya posted. Especially regarding China. They are staging an economical war on us and we're sleeping at the helm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
Hey guys lets try to get back to the topic here..... Please tell me why bush deserves credit. What has he done to earn credit ?
1. Addressed world wide terrorism.
2. Strengthened our military.
3. Strengthened Homeland security.
4. Removed some of the UN puppeteer strings from our foreign policies.
5. Pulled us out of a recession.
6. Overcame 9-11 and implemented policies to avoid it again (see 1,2, and 3)
7. Tax cut
8. Cut aid to Korea
9. Opposed socialist policies such as nationalized medicine.
What would have liked him to do that you feel he hasn't done? I would have liked more done with border security (I totally oppose his amnesty policy), permanent tax cuts, SS reform, and tax coe reform.


Originally Posted by watson3
So where would we be now if Clinton would have gotten rid of Bin Laden ? Dems never really bring this up...

I dont think that can be fully answered but I can tell you that we would not be in Iraq. I am not a democrat, I am a registered Replican btw.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Johnny84
Hey guys lets try to get back to the topic here..... Please tell me why bush deserves credit. What has he done to earn credit ?
My 401K returned over 25% last year.
Nobody blew up my house.
I'm fully employed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
I dont think that can be fully answered but I can tell you that we would not be in Iraq. I am not a democrat, I am a registered Replican btw.
Sweet, hehe, so now we can blame Iraq on Clinton!!! I knew it!


have you ever thought about who is the terrorist in this whole deal. The people in Iraq have done nothing wrong, but still we walk THEIR streets with guns in hand.
ask yourself if the situation was turned around and people here were controlling the towns impossing curfews and having banned areas, would there be people of our own trying to rise up against them in hopes to rid them from our country?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
1. Addressed world wide terrorism.
2. Strengthened our military.
3. Strengthened Homeland security.
4. Removed some of the UN puppeteer strings from our foreign policies.
5. Pulled us out of a recession.
6. Overcame 9-11 and implemented policies to avoid it again (see 1,2, and 3)
7. Tax cut
8. Cut aid to Korea
9. Opposed socialist policies such as nationalized medicine.
What would have liked him to do that you feel he hasn't done? I would have liked more done with border security (I totally oppose his amnesty policy), permanent tax cuts, SS reform, and tax coe reform.
He deserves credit for strengthening our military? before he became president did we really need it to be strengthened ?
We were not in a recession !! The maket crashed when Bush came aboard as president. Overcame 9-11? this country is stong enough to overcome 9-11, we did not need Bush for that. Tax Cut ? for the rich only.
Only thing I could give him credit for is strengthening homeland security and that is still questionable.
Please tell me what Bush's domestic agenda is, I believe he doesnt have one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bayside
have you ever thought about who is the terrorist in this whole deal. The people in Iraq have done nothing wrong, but still we walk THEIR streets with guns in hand.
ask yourself if the situation was turned around and people here were controlling the towns impossing curfews and having banned areas, would there be people of our own trying to rise up against them in hopes to rid them from our country?
Having been there myself, this is the farthest from the truth..The innocent people want us there more than the liberals and the media wants you to know..They are Not the ones rising up against us...Do not be fooled


Originally Posted by watson3
Having been there myself, this is the farthest from the truth..The innocent people want us there more than the liberals and the media wants you to know..They are Not the ones rising up against us...Do not be fooled

Oh I absolutely believe there are people in Iraq that want us there, I believe there are people in Iraq that want freedom, but I do believe the majority of people in Iraq what us gone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
I do believe the majority of people in Iraq what us gone.
Also not true..Granted, there is a Minority that wants us gone..

bang guy

Originally Posted by Johnny84
The maket crashed when Bush came aboard as president.
I believe you are attempting to rewrite history here. As I recall Bush didn't become President until 2001. The crash started in '99 and was a full-fledged market crash by mid 2000.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
He deserves credit for strengthening our military? before he became president did we really need it to be strengthened ?
We were not in a recession !! The maket crashed when Bush came aboard as president. Overcame 9-11? this country is stong enough to overcome 9-11, we did not need Bush for that. Tax Cut ? for the rich only.
Only thing I could give him credit for is strengthening homeland security and that is still questionable.
Please tell me what Bush's domestic agenda is, I believe he doesnt have one.
1. Yes, our military did need to be strengthened. It's budget had been cut quite a bit in the 90's.
2. we were in fact in a recession when he came into office. That's what economists/Fed Reserve have said. Feel free to research it.
3. Everyone received a tax cut that paid taxes. The more you paid, the more you got back. Sorry, that seems fair to me.
We've seen Bush's agenda. Why don't you tell me what the opposition's agenda is except to oppose the President?