lets here it for bush


im not saying there has been innocent people there doing it, just trying to have people define the word terrorist, i bet in you doing so you can reexamine it and you can see how the world over there see us as terrorists.
and i am gratefull for people being there but saying because i personally wasnt there i dont know anything about the situation. I am at 7 friends and 5 family members dead and rising, thanks


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
My 401K returned over 25% last year.
Nobody blew up my house.
I'm fully employed.
The bull market existed because of the bear market in the early 2000s.
Iraq has no intention to blow up your house. No one was able to link Iraq to WDM and Al Qaeda (Other than tainted pre-war intelligence).
You are fully employed because of your ability to grow our economy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bayside
have you ever thought about who is the terrorist in this whole deal. The people in Iraq have done nothing wrong, but still we walk THEIR streets with guns in hand.
ask yourself if the situation was turned around and people here were controlling the towns impossing curfews and having banned areas, would there be people of our own trying to rise up against them in hopes to rid them from our country?
I haven't been there, but have several friends who are. The locals love them. Check out TheOtherIraq


Active Member
Originally Posted by MoneyMan
The bull market existed because of the bear market in the early 2000s.
Iraq has no intention to blow up your house. No one was able to link Iraq to WDM and Al Qaeda (Other than tainted pre-war intelligence).
You are fully employed because of your ability to grow our economy.


sure the locals love them, they get food, medical attention, and other goods. but i think i would "love" people too that walk around my home with guns and the capabilities the US has.
what i am trying to get at is WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF A TERRORIST?
and somebody eplain to me why we shouldnt be considered one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bayside
im not saying there has been innocent people there doing it, just trying to have people define the word terrorist, i bet in you doing so you can reexamine it and you can see how the world over there see us as terrorists.
and i am gratefull for people being there but saying because i personally wasnt there i dont know anything about the situation. I am at 7 friends and 5 family members dead and rising, thanks
I'm sorry for your losses. Those are some horrific odds. You live on a military base?
Comparing our troops and their mission to terrorism is inappropriate. There is no comparison. A guided missile taking out the wrong house by mistake while supporting our troops cannot be compared to hijacking and crashing a commercial flight. Surely you see that.


no i dont live on a military base and i definately see how a missle blowing up the wrong house isnt comparable to a hijacked plane being flown into building. but the total of innocent iraqi civilians that have been killed by combat operations since we have been there shouldnt be ignored and if you do, you are being incredibly short sited


Active Member
Originally Posted by bayside
no i dont live on a military base and i definately see how a missle blowing up the wrong house isnt comparable to a hijacked plane being flown into building. but the total of innocent iraqi civilians that have been killed by combat operations since we have been there shouldnt be ignored and if you do, you are being incredibly short sited
How many civilians have we killed? That's a serious question as I haven't seen that number.
I bet ya though it pales in comparison to the number Saddam killed in any given year. We kill by accident, he killed for fun.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I believe you are attempting to rewrite history here. As I recall Bush didn't become President until 2001. The crash started in '99 and was a full-fledged market crash by mid 2000.
the stock market is better now then it ever has been dow over 12000


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
How many civilians have we killed? That's a serious question as I haven't seen that number.
I bet ya though it pales in comparison to the number Saddam killed in any given year. We kill by accident, he killed for fun.
We will never know the amount of civilian killed. Never ever.
You obviously haven't been a dictator... lol :) Fun is never a motive for killing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MoneyMan
We will never know the amount of civilian killed. Never ever.
You obviously haven't been a dictator... lol :) Fun is never a motive for killing.

I disagree with both points.
We know, to a great degree, the number of civilian casualties in WWII. Granted they are rough numbers, but we can get a picture. As I said the number will be far less accidental deaths of civilians at our hands than the intentional ones at his.
Read the reports of the torture and killings the Hussein family are responsible for. They enjoyed it.

bang guy

Originally Posted by reefreak29
the stock market is better now then it ever has been dow over 12000
MoneyMan is saying the stock market is only good now because the Clinton Administration killed the economy in the late '90s. Apparently this has nothing to do with the current administration it's just some magical phenomenon that happens all on it's own after after the economy has been mismanaged.


Originally Posted by reefreak29
the stock market is better now then it ever has been dow over 12000
The stock market crashed pre Y2K because of greedy executives. It is not because of any monetary policy. Sure, the SEC under Clinton failed to enforce GAAP policy. Bush just inherited the downfall. I do give him and his administration credit for weeding out all those overpaid crooks.


Originally Posted by MoneyMan
I do give him and his administration credit for weeding out all those overpaid crooks.

Only thing left to do would be for him to fire himself, then all the overpaid crooks would be gone for sure.


Active Member
I think if not for the war, nobody would question Bush as a president. He has done a great job with the economy. I have two brothers who each served two years in Iraq. One is still there and he supports this war so I have no reason not to. If your only reason for bashing him is that hes hurting our troops, yet all the troops seem to support him, whats the problem? I have hated this war all along because Ive seen my brothers once in the past two years but thats what the millitary does.


Active Member
I think if not for the war, nobody would question Bush as a president. He has done a great job with the economy. I have two brothers who each served two years in Iraq. One is still there and he supports this war so I have no reason not to. If your only reason for bashing him is that hes hurting our troops, yet all the troops seem to support him, whats the problem? I have hated this war all along because Ive seen my brothers once in the past two years but thats what the millitary does.


Active Member
I think if not for the war, nobody would question Bush as a president. He has done a great job with the economy. I have two brothers who each served two years in Iraq. One is still there and he supports this war so I have no reason not to. If your only reason for bashing him is that hes hurting our troops, yet all the troops seem to support him, whats the problem? I have hated this war all along because Ive seen my brothers once in the past two years but thats what the millitary does.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
MoneyMan is saying the stock market is only good now because the Clinton Administration killed the economy in the late '90s. Apparently this has nothing to do with the current administration it's just some magical phenomenon that happens all on it's own after after the economy has been mismanaged.
Dont be silly, I dont believe in magic ;)
The US economy has always rise at a certain rate. Large firms and dot com startups falsely pumped up that rate (Enron, yahoo, WorldCom, telcos, etc.). We normal people jumped into the bandwagon by putting our retirements and hard-earnings into any IPOs and companies that hit the news.
Greenspan did well by reducing the interest rate. Else, we would have hit harder.


Active Member
I think if not for the war, nobody would question Bush as a president. He has done a great job with the economy. I have two brothers who each served two years in Iraq. One is still there and he supports this war so I have no reason not to. If your only reason for bashing him is that hes hurting our troops, yet all the troops seem to support him, whats the problem? I have hated this war all along because Ive seen my brothers once in the past two years but thats what the millitary does.


Active Member
i see what bush wanted to do in iraq, "help" the iraqis, but so far as i can tell we've just made it worse. i agree maybe if we hadnt gone over there al qaeda might be on our doorstep, but they havent been, they been killin our boys over there. frankly i think becuz we cant draw out (we could, but shouldnt becuz that will make matters worse since we've now become iraqs big brother) we should stay over there but it will definetely be a loong time since the iraqi "democracy" is a feeble embryo, not even a baby an embryo. im independant but i think that the war is a bit out of hand, we've lost like 3,000 troops? and there r even more dead iraqis. al qaeda is trying to say something.... i think theyre saying "GO AWAAAAY!". frankly the iraqis did live under a cruel dictator who did gas them, but i dont think he had done it for years so what was the point? its like going after ophiura or somebody experienced and insulting them for being a newbie at one point, it just doesnt make much sense