lets here it for bush


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
we might always be there just like korea, and the war wasnt just to help the iraqis it is to help protect the usa, why do people forget 911

Nobody can cirectly connect 9/11 with Iraq.... ... ... First it was Saudi Arabia then afganistan.... then Iraq..
The 2 forementioned are much more dangerous than Iraq...
Hell N Korea poses a higher threat over Iraq.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
u think were paying alot for gas now just wait till the democrats use more ethanol in are gasoline , not only will gas go up but watch out for food prices
The funny thing about "corn gas" cost the same if not more than Gasoline..and less miles per gallons...Kinda like lets not drill in AK..It might upset the Caribou migrations..


Active Member
lets just think for a minute, we've gone into a country that was doing fine up until then, we tore down their government, we've tried helping them but have just really made it worse, i support our soldiers and give them the highest hope in battle but not sure wat it is we're fighting for, and watson if u can come up w/ a reason that we're over there thats valid, then ill vote republican when i turn 18 if he stands for my morals


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
when did the un ever do anything , they rely on use to do stuff

exactly ..... they also rely on our money .... how much does it cost for war ?
who will pay us back for defending iraq ?
Nobody EVER!
We will continue to be the UN scapegoats


Unfortunely the United States has taken the role of "big brother" or "World Police" while other strong countries like China just sit back and watch us make a fool of ourselves.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
lets just think for a minute, we've gone into a country that was doing fine up until then, we tore down their government, we've tried helping them but have just really made it worse, i support our soldiers and give them the highest hope in battle but not sure wat it is we're fighting for, and watson if u can come up w/ a reason that we're over there thats valid, then ill vote republican when i turn 18 if he stands for my morals
So if there was a Republican who you thought would do a good job you would vote Democratic anyways..? I am confused..I could care less about Political Affiliation. I vote for who I believe in and who I think is the best canidate..People who vote straight down party lines with out knowing there plan are MORONS

30-xtra high

Active Member
whoever made this thread(fogot who did and don't wunna go back) you are an idiot. no offense at all. bush is the worst president we have ever had. he's a complete idiot. do you know why we went to war with iraq? well 2-3? years ago when we went to war with iraq, somebody asked bush why we're going to war... do you recall what he said? " cause ossama binladin said he was gunna kill my dad" good reason to go to war bush...
there is a reason theres bin so much bush bashing... he's a frikkin retard.
and no duh he still held his head high, he's from texas!( no offense to all you texans out there) but alot of people i've met that have lived in texas tend to have a lot of pride.(just watch king of the hill)
not tryin to be rude... but i hate when people give bush credit for anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
So if there was a Republican who you thought would do a good job you would vote Democratic anyways..?
no no no, i would vote republican if he stood by my morals (aka enviromental and stuff like that)


Originally Posted by Johnny84
Unfortunely the United States has taken the role of "big brother" or "World Police" while other strong countries like China just sit back and watch us make a fool of ourselves.
bingo.... while we pour out millions to fight guys using 1970 trucks and weapons, China is now an economic power house with a growing middle class. I've heard that the Chinese are starting to get contracting jobs offered by the Indians (not Native American). And, those Chinese jobs are supporting companies in the USA.


Active Member
you spell like bush speaks

i do like his plan to reduce oil supplies (raise prices for his family business). /sarcasm
healthcare plan is a joke that won't ever happen either.
nice list he read off but not a speech in my opinion. funny how cnn actually has a count of applause breaks for each of his yearly sotu addresses compared to length. i suppose he has a timer up there so he can raise his hand or start his next list item at a specific time.
at least he lived up to his reputation and gave us something to laugh at in disgust.
i guess i don't "here" your points.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
whoever made this thread(fogot who did and don't wunna go back) you are an idiot. no offense at all. bush is the worst president we have ever had. he's a complete idiot. do you know why we went to war with iraq? well 2-3? years ago when we went to war with iraq, somebody asked bush why we're going to war... do you recall what he said? " cause ossama binladin said he was gunna kill my dad" good reason to go to war bush...**********
Where is that quote exactly? What interview?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
whoever made this thread(fogot who did and don't wunna go back) you are an idiot. no offense at all. bush is the worst president we have ever had. he's a complete idiot. do you know why we went to war with iraq? well 2-3? years ago when we went to war with iraq, somebody asked bush why we're going to war... do you recall what he said? " cause ossama binladin said he was gunna kill my dad" good reason to go to war bush...
there is a reason theres bin so much bush bashing... he's a frikkin retard.
and no duh he still held his head high, he's from texas!( no offense to all you texans out there) but alot of people i've met that have lived in texas tend to have a lot of pride.(just watch king of the hill)
not tryin to be rude... but i hate when people give bush credit for anything.

theres no reason for name calling, i feal sorry for children under 18 who are influenced by there teachers or the drive by media , it just makes u ignorant


Active Member
This thread, like any involving the President has broken down into the "I hate the President" crowd.
I'll ask the same question I've asked already in this thread multiple times:
Where would you like us to be fighting Al Qeada? Our backyard or there's?
Oil prices are high because of global demand. It's funny how the same people argue that we went into Iraq for oil AND it's the President's fault oil prices are so high.
30-high, you made some astounding points.... you base your opinion of the President based on a cartoon set in the state he's from? :notsure:
Taxes are lower
Interest rates are low
Home ownership is up
More people have health insurance than ever before
Stock market is at all time high
We came out of the Clinton recession quickly, despite 9-11.
We invaded Iraq based on the evidence of WMD's (Clinton said he had them, Kerry did, so did the French, Russians, Brits, Israelis, etc...). Were we wrong? Quite possibly. BUT, IF Iraq had let the inspectors have FULL access (another one of those quirks in the Peace Treaty he signed but back out of) we wouldn't have invaded. People seem t othink we just walked into Iraq one day. That's not at all the case. Of course those who hate the President seem to conveniently ignore minor details such as that.
So, I'll ask again: What would you have liked the President to do?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
, i feal sorry for children under 18 who are influenced by there teachers or the drive by media , it just makes u ignorant
a) teachers rnt allowed to do that
b) i dont no alot of kids who r influenced by their parents
and c) i would preferably like to be fighting al qaeda in their backyard, NOT the neighbors backyard. we should be more in afghanistan or pakistan than anywhere, maybe even iran! theyve been talking of killing americans for decades!


Active Member
first of all
Flame me all you want but ....
I support our soldiers.....
However I do not support the president....
The label of this war has been changed 3 times now, they might as well finalize it and call it Bush's civil war.
If I were asked to goto war, it wouldnt happen , I would rather die than fight for something I dont believe in..... I cant believe in what we are fighting for because at this point I dont KNOW what we are fighting for , and when asked this questioned nobody can seem to give a straight answer.
I agree 100% w/this.
2nd of all
Food prices will not go up because of "corn oil" because it uses a different part of the corn than the part we eat, so essentially it will be using parts that would otherwise go to waste. Does everyone care more about their personal money supply than the destruction we are causing the earth. I'm willing to pay a little more in order to counteract that. Also, driving LESS (not not driving at all, just doing what you can to minimize your driving) will make your gas pay out a lot cheaper, ever consider that. I know most people say they can't cut their driving down AT ALL but if you seriously consider it I bet you can. Buying more when you go to the grocery store at one time, instead of going a bunch of times and buying a smaller amount is one obvious example.
3rd of all
I give Bush credit for at least mentioning global warming and admitting that it does exists. I don't know how serious he is, but admitting there's a problem is the first step.
4th of all
That's about all I'll give him credit for. I respect him about as much as I respect his SNL alterego. He doesn't know how to plan ahead, he gives tax cuts to the rich who dont need them (btw my parents' income is in the top 10% for the US and they believe they don't deserve a tax break). After all, where does the money to run our country come from if not from taxes.
5th of all
Bush and everyone else in politics in the US needs to keep their religion to themselves. There's a reason for sepparation of church and state. Keep what you beleive about God to your own self, family, friends, but don't impose your beliefs on me and mine.


Active Member
We invaded Iraq based on the evidence of WMD's (Clinton said he had them, Kerry did, so did the French, Russians, Brits, Israelis, etc...)
These people/gov'ts might have said that Iraq had wmd, but they obviously weren't sure enough to invade. You can't use evidence of wmd as an excuse to invade if you aren't sure enough that they are there to actually be able to find them when you do invade.


Active Member
Originally Posted by garnet13aj
These people/gov'ts might have said that Iraq had wmd, but they obviously weren't sure enough to invade. You can't use evidence of wmd as an excuse to invade if you aren't sure enough that they are there to actually be able to find them when you do invade.
I don't... Read my posts. I state Saddam broke the Treaty of Desert Storm and was therefore fair game.
Besides that, it's not accurate. The French and Russians were making money off the deal, Israel can't invade for fear of a Jihad, and the Brits and Aussies jumped right in with us.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
Oh come one, our cheapest gas prices were when a democrat was in office.
Thats like saying you make more money now than you did eight years ago, it makes sense..Inflation causes prices to rise...