Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
its not really that great, its just fun to be a pain about!

ya i know its just that out of 51 pages.. i havent been on the top once :mad: :mad:

lol jk


Active Member
Originally Posted by vi3tb0i
cause once they had a perc and showed it blue.
that was prolly just a screw up-one timer type thing


Active Member
does this happen to any of you...?
when your ciewing the list of all the forums i.e. new hobbyists fish discussion.. etc and when you see the latest thread .. and its Lets make this the biggest thread ever.. i click on "lets make this the biggest thread ever... and it sends me to page five of this thread not a big deal jw if its just mycomputer


Active Member
Originally Posted by vi3tb0i
o and take a pic of the hood
why? It is just two strips of flourescent for a total of 160 watts!!