let's see all those FOWLR tanks!


Active Member
I have the mesh wheel and I drilled out the air intake on the pump for more movement. It gets soooo much more now.


Active Member
Chaeto is a type of live plant. It is a great way to naturally turn the nitrogenous compounds of your tank into plant food. The waste by-products of life, along with the light you provide for photosynthesis, will help this chaeto double in size on a regular basis.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drewdog82
Can I ask you what fish you have in that 180???
Angels: Emperor, Blueface, Queen
Tangs: Male Blonde Naso, Naso, Hippo
Triggers: Male Crosshatch, Clown, Niger
and YES my tank is in the planning process for my upgrade. It will be 375 or larger


Noah Nemo- nice tank..what size tank will you be upgrading to?


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Angels: Emperor, Blueface, Queen
Tangs: Male Blonde Naso, Naso, Hippo
Triggers: Male Crosshatch, Clown, Niger
and YES my tank is in the planning process for my upgrade. It will be 375 or larger
Your tank is incredible, but I'm confused.... I thought you couldn't put more than one angel in a tank? I thought they were very territorial and would kill other angels. What is the rule on this? You have the exact angels I would want if I were ever fortunate enough to have a larger tank.


Active Member
the rule of thumb is to only have 1 angel. THere are many people that have more than 1 but there are rules to this.
1) I have had my emperor for almost 4 years now. I know everything about him. I know all of his coloration changes and his attitude. I would NEVER put in multiple angels into a tank where I was not sure about their attitude.
2) Pristeen water. I keep all my readings at 0. I have no Nitrates and perfect PH. How you ask? Aggressive skimming, additional mechanical filtration, additional pad filtration, and TONS of LR (over 275#).
3) Your tank needs to be mature. Meaning over a year. You need to have all your stuff together in case of an issue. I currently have 2 QT tanks. A 30 and a 55 just in case. I also have access to a 75 and a 125 if needed I can get them up and running in the mater of hours.
4) Coloration has to be different. Also different genous. When I added my blueface, he was of adult coloration (3-4 inches smaller) and my emperor was juvi coloration (4-5 inches smaller). I added the blueface in larger on purpose knowing that the emperor was the dominant fish and had to be put in check.
I NEVER advocate putting more than one angel in a tank EVER. It is not something that everyone can or should do. These guys are very beautiful but have a temper. I will be adding a few more together when I get my big tank up and running, but will grow them from a smaller size.
Also, if you only plan on having a 125 or 180 for ever then one angel is far enough. I new I was going big or going home. Consider my 180 a QT for my 375+. The most frustrating thing I hear on any board is that people have angels in small quarters.
Hope this helps.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
the rule of thumb is to only have 1 angel. THere are many people that have more than 1 but there are rules to this.
1) I have had my emperor for almost 4 years now. I know everything about him. I know all of his coloration changes and his attitude. I would NEVER put in multiple angels into a tank where I was not sure about their attitude.
2) Pristeen water. I keep all my readings at 0. I have no Nitrates and perfect PH. How you ask? Aggressive skimming, additional mechanical filtration, additional pad filtration, and TONS of LR (over 275#).
3) Your tank needs to be mature. Meaning over a year. You need to have all your stuff together in case of an issue. I currently have 2 QT tanks. A 30 and a 55 just in case. I also have access to a 75 and a 125 if needed I can get them up and running in the mater of hours.
4) Coloration has to be different. Also different genous. When I added my blueface, he was of adult coloration (3-4 inches smaller) and my emperor was juvi coloration (4-5 inches smaller). I added the blueface in larger on purpose knowing that the emperor was the dominant fish and had to be put in check.
I NEVER advocate putting more than one angel in a tank EVER. It is not something that everyone can or should do. These guys are very beautiful but have a temper. I will be adding a few more together when I get my big tank up and running, but will grow them from a smaller size.
Also, if you only plan on having a 125 or 180 for ever then one angel is far enough. I new I was going big or going home. Consider my 180 a QT for my 375+. The most frustrating thing I hear on any board is that people have angels in small quarters.
Hope this helps.

I'm impressed! Thanks for the great info! I guess I am years from having a tank like that. I love angels, so maybe one day I will get the hang of this saltwater thing.


Active Member
No problem thats what we are here to do ;)
Saltwater is easy IMHO. It is all about patience (most important) and knowledge, which this site has a ton of
Here's my FOWLR 55G
It's pretty much up to date, minus the featherduster who became my starfish's lunch, and orange nemo who decided the floor was nicer than my tank lol. I have since put an all glass canopy ($1 at ***** :)) on and lowered the light right on top of the glass.

Thanks Saltman. I checked ur pics out, you have some sick aquascaping!!! Are all of your pieces LR in the tank or do u have some plastic?


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
the rule of thumb is to only have 1 angel. THere are many people that have more than 1 but there are rules to this.
1) I have had my emperor for almost 4 years now. I know everything about him. I know all of his coloration changes and his attitude. I would NEVER put in multiple angels into a tank where I was not sure about their attitude.
2) Pristeen water. I keep all my readings at 0. I have no Nitrates and perfect PH. How you ask? Aggressive skimming, additional mechanical filtration, additional pad filtration, and TONS of LR (over 275#).
3) Your tank needs to be mature. Meaning over a year. You need to have all your stuff together in case of an issue. I currently have 2 QT tanks. A 30 and a 55 just in case. I also have access to a 75 and a 125 if needed I can get them up and running in the mater of hours.
4) Coloration has to be different. Also different genous. When I added my blueface, he was of adult coloration (3-4 inches smaller) and my emperor was juvi coloration (4-5 inches smaller). I added the blueface in larger on purpose knowing that the emperor was the dominant fish and had to be put in check.
I NEVER advocate putting more than one angel in a tank EVER. It is not something that everyone can or should do. These guys are very beautiful but have a temper. I will be adding a few more together when I get my big tank up and running, but will grow them from a smaller size.
Also, if you only plan on having a 125 or 180 for ever then one angel is far enough. I new I was going big or going home. Consider my 180 a QT for my 375+. The most frustrating thing I hear on any board is that people have angels in small quarters.
Hope this helps.
Very well put.
Not many people could pull this off including myself, and it's good to see you can produce a solid disclaimer. Many people new to the hobby would see your tank, and want to replicate the stock. You're definitely in the minority.
Great looking tank CC. Can't wait to see the 375 when it's up and running.