Let's see how smart you are.....


Ok, I'm glad some of you have had a chuckle over this thread!
I have tried several times, different file formats, shrink the resolution and size, and cannot get the darn brain to post. The file is under the limit, but still nothing. I have given up.
Anyone out there willing to take an email from me and post my brain photo??


Active Member
You may be running into problems if you are barely below the 102k file limit. I have not been able to post photos that are in the upper 90s kilobyte file range before.
To be safe........size your pic down to about 80-85k and that should work for you. Are you using photoshop or some other editing software?


rye.... I shrunk the file down to 10k and it wouldn't post.... so there's something else wrong. I tried changing it in photoshop, ms picture it, dell image expert.... and I tried jpg, bmp, tif, etc...
I quit - I sent it to Bang Guy but will send to you too.
Very frustrating.