Lets see pics of your aquascaping.


Originally Posted by CGJ
Here's mine. Yes, thats a 1984 Cobra Rattler, hit by a sidewinder missile, sunken at the bottom. The coralline growth has made it look very good. I'll have much better pics in the future, as this is older and the tank looks better now.
Im normally not a huge fan of decorations but the coraline & the fact its a cobra rattler makes it very cool. You should glue a couple zoanthid frags to the wings or but some xenia on the tail. That would make it look even better. All the tanks look really good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
that is an awesome tank...did you have that made??
Thanks jrthomas, actually that's how it was manufactured, I guess. I bought it used. It's about 15-20 yrs old. I've never seen another like it.


Originally Posted by eyebedam
Im normally not a huge fan of decorations but the coraline & the fact its a cobra rattler makes it very cool. You should glue a couple zoanthid frags to the wings or but some xenia on the tail. That would make it look even better. All the tanks look really good.

Since that pic was taken, Ive added like 4 or 5 corals, I put a rock with some large pulsing xenias on the tail ailerons, and a small zooanthid colony on the damaged wing... and a clam on the intact wing!


Active Member
Just rearranged the aquascape the other day and added a few new corals...
Let me know what you think of it

(And I know the water looks dirty at the top; They're bubbles. For some reason, I took this picture just before I did a top-off
-And yes, for those of you who are too polite to comment, I agree, my camera (/ picture-taking ability) does indeed suck.


but you seem to have the same problem i have; when posting picture it is kind of small. anyone know how to make the posted pictures bigger?
aquascaping looks great by the way.
is that a sun coral?
do you have to feed that by hand?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rldavisou
MonaLisa, how does your seahorse do in your tank? My wife REALLY wants one, but I was under the impression that they required a species-specific tank with a low amount of flow. Looks like you have a gorgonian in there, which I was told required moderate-to-high flow b/c it's a filter feeder. Just wondering how those two did together, and if you have any tips. I'd love to surprise my wife with one, but I thought I couldn't have them with my current setup. Thanks!

Wow, I guess I haven't been on this thread in a while, so I would like to answer questions posted to me.
If you should decide on getting seahorses...first and foremost, do your reading and learning...please, please, please. Horses are very social creatures and are best kept with other seahorses in a species only tank.
The pictures I posted are 2 different tanks, the first one is my 46 gallon bowfront reef, and the second is my 37 gallon species only seahorse tank. When those pictures were taken, I had just my first pair of horses, but I've since added a second pair...pics to follow. It is my opinion with regards to seahorses that they definitely be kept in a species only tank...I have only my horses and snails, emeralds, and I'm going to be putting in a couple of cleaner shrimp in...that's it. I'm seriously tossing about whether or not to get a mandarin in that tank, since the pod population is outrageous and my horses eat frozen mysis...I just don't know.
I put the gorgonian in the sh tank because it was not doing well in my reef...it's not faring much better in my sh tank, but it's hanging in there and actually seems to be growing out in other parts of the rock that it's attached to...I'll leave it and see what happens since the polyps are still emerging constantly. Always a waiting game.
Well, anyway, here are the pics of my horses eating at their dish, and one of Captain Apache at his helm...hope this is okay to post in this thread...



Active Member
Originally Posted by calikit
That is really nice Lisa!!! I love the seahorses. Nice idea of the "sunken treasure" look. Never thought about something like that.
Thank you very much. I'm not a great fan of "props" in a saltwater tank, but if they're tasteful and add to the functionality of the tank, I'm all for it.


Man I love that foot fish but i hear they are hard to take care of and can cause high nitrates. I also hear their claws have to be trimmed often and they don't smell good if not cleaned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wbradenpt
but you seem to have the same problem i have; when posting picture it is kind of small. anyone know how to make the posted pictures bigger?
aquascaping looks great by the way.
is that a sun coral?
do you have to feed that by hand?
It is a sun coral. I spot-feed it 2-3 times a week with mysis and so far it loves it

matt b

Active Member
i got that bta about maybe 2 weeks ago dose it look ok to u guys i only have stock lighting now but my new hood is gonna be here tomorrow