Lets see pics of your aquascaping.


Originally Posted by eyebedam
Just curious do your Angels fight at all? I always thought it was difficult to keep 2 angels together. This site wont even sell a person 2 unless they say there going in seperate tanks. Your tank looks nice btw. I like them all.
i have three angels in a 210 and theyre doing fine!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
i thought the same but it loks more green then yellow..

there's also a green coris wrasse, but i was thinking yellow would be more common and maybe the pic has a weird lighting thing going


Originally Posted by lil_dozer
Here's my kids tank. This tank is in my bathroom. Kids did it start to finish. It's just finished cycling.
Wll it's um.. colorful


Active Member
All 3 of my angels get along great. My blueface and Emperor have been together for 2 years. My queen has been in the mix for about 5 months and there have been no issues.
I had the emperor first as a juvi, I added the blueface prior to the emperor changing and then added the queen.
If you are going to add multiple angels you need to add them together if that is not possible then you need to move the aquascaping to mix up the territories.