lets see pictures of your agressive tank


Active Member
Here's mine:
Humu trigger
Panther grouper
Yellow Tang
Striped damsel
Blue finned damsel
Volitans Lion

Oh, I forgot, its a 55 gal.
Here's the "end view" of my 210 with pretty much the same stocking list...


Active Member
125 agressive
vol lion
panther grouper
spiney boxfish puffer
lunear wrasse
bi colored foxface
black moray eel
silver scat
niger trigger
sorry my cam sux for pics


Active Member
this is a head shot of black moray the closet we have been able to identify him is possable (fresh water moray)i was lucky to get a shot of him at all .it took 8 months to get this pic.hes aprox 24 inches long.he lives in full sw


Active Member
Originally Posted by SSG_MM
here's a couple pics of my lionfish and scorpionfish
what kind of fish is on photo num 3 and 4?


Active Member
is it possible to have a a 75 gallon tank with only a volitan lionfish and porcuppine puffer? or a dwarf zebra lion fish with the puffer?


Active Member
Number one, I think your tank is too small. And number two, (eww, lol) lions and puffers dont mix well. Puffers find the lions long fins quite tasty...


really?? I have 2 lions and a porc puffer together....... I think you can mix them puffers are not overly aggressive fish...


Active Member
how long have you had your tank reefer? i think its squidd who also has a lion and puffer in his 210(?) and i think ive seen other pics of tanks with em, maybe not...i just wondered because those really are two of my favorites, but i surely dont want to get two tanks, and at this point i dont have money for a 200+...so i thought id ask because i know people on this site do have em in a 75...but maybe they got flamed too, lol.


Originally Posted by vi3tb0i
what kind of fish is on photo num 3 and 4?
That is a Sailfin/Rogue Scorpion. Cool isn't it? It has poison glands in the dorsal, anal, and pelvic spines. I particularly like the coloration (dark brown body, black eyes, and a white face).


Active Member
carpe diem... doesnt that mean like reach for the stars or something like that
my school uses that phrase....
its on an archway in the old part of my high school...centenial year this year 1906-2006


Originally Posted by matty0h_52
i think it means "cease the day"-
either that or "seize the day"...


JCRIM awesome snowflake that sucker is huge he is awesome so is that shark and sting ray very sweet tank u should post a new thread of that tank and have a crap ton of pictures cause its that cool