let's see some anthia's


Active Member
here is a pic of my lyretail (male) anthias. when we get our new tank going i want to get 1 more male and 2 female lyretail's


Active Member
thank you:) we have had him for just over a month now and the first few days he hid alot and wouldn't eat, but now he goes crazy over brine, mysis and emerald entree, he spits everything else out.


Active Member
i have kept this one anthias in my 55 gal with no problems. i have read that if you want to keep a group of them, they need to be in a 100+ gallon tank
waterfaller, i love your squarebacks....they are very pretty:)


I'm constantly surprised at the few squarebacks you see in the trade. Gorgeous fish, gets a decent size, makes for a perfect centerpiece for a medium sized reef.
Mine's about 5.5 inches, lives with all smaller fish, no issues to speak of. He's a pain to feed, though - He generally wont touch pellet foods that I put in, so its marine cusine and emerald entre' all the way. and this is after feeding live brine for a month.

If he only ate bald eagle heads I'd still reccommend it. Great fish.


Got to love the squarebacks!!! Had a pair until the blackout last summer - his mate did not make it.
He is the king of the tank, between him and my White Face Tang they keep everyone else in the tank in line.


hey waterfaller and fda; what are you feeding your squarebacks? did you ever have to acclimate them off of live food?


Mine eats anything - anything at all. Frozen Mysis shrimp, prime reef, even goes after Pro V veggies I use on ocassion for my tang. I also have 3 smaller Bartlett Anthias - they also will eat anything - when the big guy lets them!


Hm, mine is incredibly finicky. I got him as a full adult, so maybe that is why, but I worry that he's not getting enough to eat. he only seems to go after live brine and formula one, and even then its only a few bites at every feeding, which is up to four times a day, just so i'm sure he's getting enough.
it's only been a few weeks, so hopefully he'll continue to settle in.


Active Member
I want an Anthias. Are the lyretails good? Between a squareback and a lyretail, which would be the best one to get? I like both, but which is easier and which is the most colorful. It would go in a 55, no other anthias, lion fih, yellow tang, damsel, clown and blenny. Thanx alot!!!:joy: