Lets see some pics of your: Hippo Tangs!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jam1e
by the way .. both of those shots are from my 60 gallon FOWLR .. he's now in my 90 Gallon sps reef
cool is he going in ne thing els bigger?
i dont wanna start ne thing about tangs and tank sizes but... i just wanna know
i think he would do fine in a 90 it says 70 in a multitude of places


Originally Posted by gasman4433
Heres mine.His name is bob.Because im sick of hearing dori.

Heres a fish list.1 yellow tang
1 hippo tang
1 sail fin tang
1 6 line wrasse
2 bi color blennys
1 lawn mower blenny
1 flame angel
2 clowns
1 sisser tail dart fish
I took the damsils out.
It is a 92 gal bow front.
nice tank!


Active Member
Nice!!! i cant wait to see a 5-6 inch hippo ive only seen a few
although today i saw the b igest naso alive!!
he was ab out 4 inched tall .. 3 inched thick(belly wise) and about a little over a foot.. to bad he was only in about a 5o gllon! with a million different fish..


Active Member
Originally Posted by gasman4433
Heres mine.His name is bob.Because im sick of hearing dori.

Heres a fish list.1 yellow tang
1 hippo tang
1 sail fin tang
1 6 line wrasse
2 bi color blennys
1 lawn mower blenny
1 flame angel
2 clowns
1 sisser tail dart fish
I took the damsils out.
It is a 92 gal bow front.
wow i wish i could do tht fish list in my 90 gallon

it aint gonna happen though idont have a big enough tank for the blue AND sailfin..
i hope it work for you!!!
you tank is AWESOME!!!!!
do you think you could post some pics of you scissor tail dart fish.. man i want one.. check out my thread title scissor tail dartfish..


Originally Posted by bill109
wow i wish i could do tht fish list in my 90 gallon

it aint gonna happen though idont have a big enough tank for the blue AND sailfin..
i hope it work for you!!!
you tank is AWESOME!!!!!
do you think you could post some pics of you scissor tail dart fish.. man i want one.. check out my thread title scissor tail dartfish..
Ill try to post a pic of dart fish if he holds still long enough.
As fas as the hippo and the sail fin goes.They get along great.And I plan on up sizing my tank in a year or so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gasman4433
Ill try to post a pic of dart fish if he holds still long enough.
As fas as the hippo and the sail fin goes.They get along great.And I plan on up sizing my tank in a year or so.
good idea its not a big deal to me i just liek to ask

i saw one in the lfs like i mentioned and they look better in the store then in pics you see from a site


Active Member
do you like him.. does he come out enogh to enjoy seeing him?
or only for food?
do they need a deep sand bed i read tht you just need a snd bed i have on tht is 1 inch in a 90.


Originally Posted by bill109
do you like him.. does he come out enogh to enjoy seeing him?
or only for food?
do they need a deep sand bed i read tht you just need a snd bed i have on tht is 1 inch in a 90.
He is a little shy when you are right by the tank.But when you are just sitting in the roon on the couch he comes out alot.And I like it vary much.I dont know about the sand bed.I have about 2 inches in tank.And for no more than I paid for him.He can hide all he wants.I looked at you pics you have posted of you 90.Looks good.What kind of fish do you plan on putting in it?


Active Member
bill109 Nice!!! i cant wait to see a 5-6 inch hippo ive only seen a few
the hippo in my pictures is 7 inches along with the rest of y tangs.. give or take an inch
my unicorn at the biggest around 8 inches, not including his horn


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
the hippo in my pictures is 7 inches along with the rest of y tangs.. give or take an inch
my unicorn at the biggest around 8 inches, not including his horn
wow tht is a good job.. i guess the pic dosent show the full size as wel
how long have you had them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gasman4433
He is a little shy when you are right by the tank.But when you are just sitting in the roon on the couch he comes out alot.And I like it vary much.I dont know about the sand bed.I have about 2 inches in tank.And for no more than I paid for him.He can hide all he wants.I looked at you pics you have posted of you 90.Looks good.What kind of fish do you plan on putting in it?
As far as fish this is what i have for a fish list for what i want when we re do my house we are building a game room so we want to put in in the wall tank.. prolly around 125.
it wont be for a few years.although the game room is being done this year some time. prollybe done around june. or begining of winter agin in mabe december
i would like
yellow tang
hippo tang
2x clown
2xb/g chromis
pink spot shrimp goby
scissortail dart fish
coral beauty
if i do go with a hippo then im not going to put in the angel.
i figures tht i would put htem in the tank at the same size/time
if tht dont owkr thne ill ad another hippo or a kole or bristle tooth.


Active Member
:cheer: LOVE ALL OF THEM!!!! I'm HUGE Hippo fan. Wish I could say the one in my avatar is mine, but I stole it from Frank. Maybe he can pipe in here and show the full picture that actually has two in the full frame shot. Can't wait until my tank is set up and it's time to add my very own Hippo.


Active Member
how long have you had them?
i bought them very large but ive had them for about a year and a half now i guess...they also did grow alot as well


Active Member
Originally Posted by woolfe
This is RED

are you upgrading ne time soon he may get a little big :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by woolfe
It's a 90 gal. I was told it was big enough for him?????

Everything I've been told is that they need at least 125 gallon long, as they are big swimmers. But I believe there are a few here that have smaller tanks with Hippos. Just try and avoid the tang police.