Lets see some sps!


Active Member
I do have the little one in the front (not little anymore) but the big purple tip in the back ground is gone.
This is just a very few of the corals I lost. In no way am I blaiming my good friend who kept them for me while I was tankless. I was lucky to have somebody to keep them. He had some major problems during this time and not only lost my corals but his too.
You might say I lost a few corals in the move.


Active Member
myself and my little daughter are just having some fun posting pictures......you asked for pictures, right?
I'm kind of venting a little bit too....she's just helping me pick out the picutres


Active Member
I think its a Tenius (the spelling is close) Its for sure not a Tort..
Tenuis :)
Here's an A. micropthalma or A. formosa I just added to my tank.