Let's see some vacation pics........


Sammy, they'll print they just might not be the best. Panama City is great. I hit spring break there two years in a row when I was down south.


Active Member
Too funny about peeing in the canyon sammy! I have friends who went to china and they have a picture of the guys peeing off the Great Wall of China.


Active Member
Patrick, how much did you pay that blond girl to pose with you?? :D :D Of course I am kidding. Seriously, nice pics...I don't have Alaska real high on my list of places to visit, but I have to admit that looks like a great time and beautiful scenery. What kind of temperatures were going on? I have yet to go on a cruise, so could you relate to me the crowdedness......is that a word??:D What I mean is was it hard to spend some time talking and relaxing with your girlfriend/wife without people being packed in. Is there space for private talking while out on the deck enjoying the day??


Active Member
Broncofish.....nice looking family you got there. Looks like you guys were having a good time. I really like how much easier it is to put photos up, and share things with others, than it was just a few years ago......nice thread. :)

patrick g.

Sammy, it's so crowded in that first pic only because that was the first couple hours on the boat and we were just getting ready to depart Vancouver, so everyone was up on that deck. So, other than peak meal times in the dining rooms and restaurants, you can always find a fairly private place to sit and talk. Temps averaged in the mid-60s. Had a few cold mornings in the 50s and a couple of days in the 70s.


Active Member

Originally posted by sammystingray
Broncofish.....nice looking family you got there

Thanks Sammy. I back Patrick, cruises are awesome. If you don't like the family thing you can choose to go on an all adult cruise and there won't be any kids under the age of 18.


Here is a pic of my fiancée and myself at Disney World a couple months ago. My brother had his wedding at the wedding chapel there at Disney, fun was had by all.


Our weekend outing to a local amusement park with my daughter, this was the "Crooked Man's House" from the nursery rhyme :)


New Member
My wife another couple and I went to Mackinac Island in northern Michigan. This is a pic of the Mackinac bridge.


The first pic you posted was so awesome, I set is as my background on my desktop. Hope you don't mind. This is a typical sunset where I live, I live in paradise, always on vacation!


Active Member
This is my brother and I.... well, dang. A good many years ago actually. I can't remember where we are. It's somewhere in the Caribbean I think. :D