Lets try this again. What do you think of my fish, video


Ok let me simplfly this
What do you think of my fish? (Just watch the video if you don't want to read the rest)

I think it's Lymphocystis the b/w clown has. I got new food and vitamins and getting ready for another water change.
The Sailfin still has some pitting around his eyes. This I believe was HILLE(sp?) from when the tank had to be torn apart and stressed him. He is getting better.
Everyone has been growing and getting healthier since I moved in or bought. Except the Yellow Tang it seems to be losing weight or something just doesn't seem as plump.
I've been reading a lot here and doing improvements to the tank since I moved in(Tank came w/house) but still feel quite scared that I'm going to crash it or something else.
In about 2 weeks I'll be able to add the LR I bought, one powerheads been changed since video and getting another soon.


Well-Known Member

I wish you had a full tank shot so I could see your whole set up. Please don't be mad at me, I noticed a few problems. I am ONLY trying to help.
Anyway....first your fish have ick. It looks like fish only so it shouldn't be too hard to medicate. The tangs need an algae sheet, there is not enough algae for them to graze on all day. put one on each side of the tank so the tangs won't fight.
Next, the damsel is going to kill everything you have in the tank, none of the tank mates are aggressive enough to withstand a damsels attack.
Next, the sea star will starve, your tank is way too new and it has nothing to eat.
next, the scooter blenny will be killed by the goby over food.
Here is a picture of a good book for you to get, it will save you lots of money and help you make wiser choices on purchases.



Ich is spots on the fish though, the same as fresh water??? This stuff is cottony and some has actually follen off.
I moved into the house with the tank already set-up, it's 2+yrs old. The Damel, purple(chromis?) both tangs were in the tank already.
I do give an aglea/seaweed sheet to them everyday, it's gone in like 5 mins *lol* None of the fish ever fight.
I know your trying tohelp and I thankyou just trying to give more info.
Hum what else, oh there's a brown mark on the yellow tang. He was fine but then got scared and ran into a rock and the marks been there since. I seen him do it.
The scooter eats the froozen food I give him and the goby eats anything that falls anywhere near him. I thought he was going to choke a couple times. Those two are almost always together.
Here's a full tank pic(its 2 months or so old, the pic not the tank)

PS. I scarp algea off the sides/back with water changes and the front at least 2 times a week


Well-Known Member

Love the tank shot...You need some more agitation on top. I personally leave algae growing on the back and sides of my tank for the critters to graze on. An algae sheet should last all day...your tangs are hungry. Try two, one on each side and quit cleaning the back of the tank. A clean tank is not a healthy tank for critters.
Pictures are hard to tell by...make sure your rocks are stable and won't move, they don't look stable from the pictures.
Cottony spots....look in the disease section to make a proper diagnoses. My eyes are not so good, all I saw was spots.
Your critters are young, that is why they are not fighting YET. You have a mixture of creatures that do not get along...they are all doomed by the yellow tail damsel you have in there. The other fish are not aggressive, the damsel is very aggressive. It will bite the blood from your hand when it gets older.
The scooter and goby can’t live together. They need the same foods, they are young right now but problems hover in the future.


I had a scooter blennie....then I got the goby like yours...let's just say my scooter disappeared not to long after :(


Well I found a treatment for ICH and Lymphocystis(though what I read there is no real treatment for it) in a box the previous owner left. It's the "quick cure" I used that in the past with the fresh water.(gez do I feel old when I think how far back the last time I treated ICH.)
I did a dose in the tank, probably a little less then called for but counting 170 drops from a bottle thats hard to squeeze isn't the easiest with two kids *lol* I figure less was safer then more. Of course I forgot to remove the carbon so when I treat tomorrow I'll have to do that.
I'll try to post some closer up pics of the fish and the food.
Oh I was wondering about the scooter and the goby and asked the IFS about it when I bought the goby(had the scooter already) They said because of the size of my tank it should be ok if not they would buy one of them back.
I want to get rid of the Damsel but my son loves it and calls it his. It and the Tangs are over 2 yrs now shouldn't they be mature? I will take it out if I see problems. The yellow tangs a coward *lol* and the Sail is a sweety well as much as a fish can be.


Are you sure that's for SW???? I have seen that stuff (I think) in fw sections of a store....
Do not use on: baby whales, Elephant Nose, shrimps, snails, living rock or invertebrates. For aquarium use only. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use on fish intended for human consumption. Not for human or drug use. Do not exceed recommended dosage. May stain silicone sealant and aquarium decorations. If swallowed, seek medical attention immediately and take product label with you. This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.




Originally Posted by meowzer
Are you sure that's for SW???? I have seen that stuff (I think) in fw sections of a store....
Do not use on: baby whales, Elephant Nose, shrimps, snails, living rock or invertebrates. For aquarium use only. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use on fish intended for human consumption. Not for human or drug use. Do not exceed recommended dosage. May stain silicone sealant and aquarium decorations. If swallowed, seek medical attention immediately and take product label with you. This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.

It says on the back its for marnie fish. Warned against using it on corels though but I have none


Originally Posted by SaltyJewell
Yes I do, oh uh I see where your getting. I put it in this morning and everything just fine. I won't do it tomorrow.
YES...SO you see where it says not to use on snails, shrimp LIVE ROCK or invertebrates then


Originally Posted by meowzer
The ingredients formaldehyde and malachie green are not good for them
Ok I'll play it on the safe side and not do it again. I might beable to get to the IFS on the weekend and will try to find something safe for everything if I can.
I had a QT set-up but couldn't keep it running. Had two filters quit on me and haven't been able to get to my parents again to pick up whats left there from some old fresh water fish.
The waters not blue like it was back when I treated my freshwater so I think between the small dose and carbon it should be ok. It's been 10 hrs and everythings still a live and moving, even saw they nass snails.
Other then the b/w clown how do the rest of the fish look to you?


The only question I have is on the clowns....the rest seem to look ok...can you get another pic of them?
ALSO...if it's lympho....all you need is good food, vitamins, and good water quality


Active Member
don't use the medications directly in your display tank. You stand the good chance of killing off your biofiltration bacteria, along with your invertebrates. You may have dodged the bullet here this time but over the next couple of days keep you eye on ammonia levels. Do some testing daily for the next day or so. If you need to treat you fish it must be done outside of the display in a Hospital tank.


Originally Posted by meowzer
The only question I have is on the clowns....the rest seem to look ok...can you get another pic of them?
ALSO...if it's lympho....all you need is good food, vitamins, and good water quality
Unfortanlty thats the best I can do of the clowns with my camrea. The b/w goes to the back when you go up to the tank and my camrea won't cover there "hovering" Its ok with a straight swimming fish but the hovering the clowns do make the pic blurring.
I do think its lymho(which I thought was just food/clean water) as the rest of the fish do look ok to me. The only other fish I worry about is the yellow tang seems a little skinny.