Lets try this again. What do you think of my fish, video


Originally Posted by meowzer
Do you feed algae sheets???? Maybe I should be asking....what do you feed your fish??
Heres a pic of what I feed

The pellets are aglea(kelp?)
I feed a foozen mix of either reef mix 2 or brine w/omega 3 once a day.
I feed double the amount of seaweed you see there now, once in the morning once at night. (red and green)
And I just bought some flake and vitamins with garlic.


look at brooklynella in the disease section. I can't tell from the pics of the clowns, but maybe you can see if it looks like brook.


Unfortantly my son apparently decided to soak my one test kit that had ammonia and it's recked :( I got a ammonia reading of 0 but the total ammonia regiman(sp?) test came up with two different anwsers. The first one I did totally sky rocketed to the top of the charts which is no way true or everything would be dead but everythings fine including the peppermint shrimp. I re-did the test and it came back half 0 and 0.5.
I have enough water to do a 40g change once the kids are a sleep. I had 5g just top off water ready so I took 5g out and put in the 5g. So in total it'f be a 45g change.
My Nitirte is 0
NItArte 30
spesific gravty 1.022
The Vitamins I got was GVH Fish Food Soak with garlic, vitamins and HUFAS phytoplankton-enriched.
This is all the IFs had other then the same without the garlic.
The more I look at pics and read I'm 99% sure it's Lymphocystis the clown has. Everyone else is still ok.