Let's write a Book!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Wonderful!!!!! Thankyou all for your enthusiasm. So far these are the people I have on board for book assembly:
Me fishy head
FishyGurl rbrockm1
My Way
If I missed anyone, my apologies and please add yourself. I will keep an updated list.
I think to keep us on schedule, I would like to see this book out by summer. Not sure if that is a little ambitous..we'll make changes as needed. So to keep things flowing after we get a main list of the main participants, anyone else is welcome to join, however, I think it would be helpful to asign them to one of the main participants. So for instance if lion_crazz was asigned to photos, then lion_crazz could gain an assistant. So with this in mind I think I would like to cap off the list of main participants by the end of october. That way we don't have to many cooks in the kitchen.
For future meetings I was considering using yahoo mesenger with voice. I have it. How many of you have it??? It is a free download, but you would have to get a microphone. That way even though we're scattered all over, we can have writters meetings online!
Currently Fishy Gurl has asked for the postion of editor.
We will need several.
We will also need someone in charge of photography
I would like to know how you would like to be involved. Do you want to edit and collect pictures? Do you want to enter data about fish species??? Would you like to help edit threads????
This is a team effort, even though I am taking the lead on this, I welcome any and all contributions.
Thankyou all!!!!

Rykna, I would like to help w/editing.


Active Member
I'm all in, will help any way I can, I knew you would find a way to stay involved Rykna. How is the fresh water tank going? (Not to get off subject) Assign me some work and consider it done...


Active Member
One more thing, if we are going to use SWF.com maybe they could help with the costs of publishing, after all this will be great publicity and advertising for them, esp[ecailly if they are included in the book so many times, which I know they will be. Maybe they would like to sponsor this book project


Active Member
That will probably be a much better possibility once the project is progressed a lot more to the point where they realize this is a very serious idea.


Active Member
I would like to help with editing either of text or of photos. I have some professional photo editing software I can use. It cost around 4K and I would love to use it more. Of course I didn't have to pay for it since it came with my job. My son can help touch up photos if needed, it's what he does.


Active Member
I say yes. Its great idea. Buy why make it a book? Why not make it an educational site that is free to visit and contains the how two's of of reef keeping. Have an info page on all the creatures commonly found in tanks. What to do when ____ (it) goes wrong. testing and maintence...


Active Member
Well that's basically what this message board is for. If anyone needs info on the web, they can just come here and get opinions from thousands of people. This book will help bring people to SWF.com and it will help people who do not have access to the internet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Rykna, I think this discussion would be much better away from the new hobbiest forum.
I don't get what you are saying. how do you get the new hobbyist thread?
"I think this discussion would be much better away from the new hobbiest forum."
^^^ I dont get it?


Active Member
good idea but this is going to bed a huge book... i will help if possible but i dontknow much... a panther grouper should not be kept in a 10gal... theres my info...lol... get the monitors to help they know anything and everything... anyone with 3,000+ posts has to know something...

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by taznut
good idea but this is going to bed a huge book... i will help if possible but i dontknow much... a panther grouper should not be kept in a 10gal... theres my info...lol... get the monitors to help they know anything and everything... anyone with 3,000+ posts has to know something...
I had over 3,000 posts but they dropped off over the years


Active Member
You might consider a full blown version on DVD with all the sub-books and more photos of high quality. then have them hardcopied as individual books of a series. We would just offer the whole series on DVD and maybe BlueRay if it's to big. A 2 set DvD might work also. In any case we could offer quite a bit more with the disk version. What do you think?


New Member
Everyones ideas are amazing. I'm a noob so I won't have anything to add information-wise, but how about a small section at the end of the book or at the end of each chapter with excerpts from some of the people that have written to this forum acknowledging the help and sincerity they have received?