lfs has ritteri anenome for $30


well sounds like were getting no where so you go get a good night's sleep and rethink your choice. But if you do decide to get the anemone make sure you have 6-8 watts per gallon.


Originally Posted by pesci
Whats with the "Here we go again" crap? I asked a simple question. If you are too arrogant to answer politely then keep quiet!
Because you are asking a question on someone elses thread and I am trying to say anemones require very stong lighting. There is no inbetween lighting that they can have.


Originally Posted by clown123
well i had to get the box but it doesnt say it i lost the reading thingy it comes with
Do you know if its VHO or PC or MH. Probably not MH. YOu would know if you had those.


Is there a rule that says noone can ask a question on someone else's thread? Or are you just being a jerk? It is people like you that make these forums an unpleasant experience.


Originally Posted by clown123
there fluorescents
you probably got compact fluorescents which aren't good enough to maintain that anemone. I had to upgrade mine to strong PC's because they wouldn't support soft corals and LPS. I had compact fluo. before.


Originally Posted by pesci
Is there a rule that says noone can ask a question on someone else's thread? Or are you just being a jerk? It is people like you that make these forums an unpleasant experience.
Please leave. I have told you what type of lighting you need but you are ignoring my answer and keeping this argument alive. You have totally ignored my advice and accusing me of being a jerk. That shows you what kind of moron you are and good luck if you ever by anemones because they will "enjoy" a slow death.
Calling me out...your awsome


Active Member
LOL pesci but seriously come on SFE u have only been on this board for less then a month ive heard alot of storys off ppl keeping bta and other anenomes with fluroscents.


Originally Posted by clown123
i can just buy stronger lights then (bulbs)
you will need a special eletronic ballast for that which are expensive. So to answer that you have to basically get new fixtures.


Originally Posted by clown123
LOL pesci but seriously come on SFE u have only been on this board for less then a month ive heard alot of storys off ppl keeping bta and other anenomes with fluroscents.
lol. i have been on this board for more than a month. This is just one out of my 6 sn. lol


Originally Posted by pesci
Carefull Kingspade, you are asking a question on someone else's thread!!! How Dare You!
your gay


Active Member
how bout this i got 1 question
1) how old r u?
i mean though if i have to save up $ for new lights then i will but my aneome is doing fine in it my small BTA!


You are the idiot here. This argument was over before it began, I just wanted you to know that your arrogance was not appreciated. Argument over...

I wouldn't attempt to call you out of your parent's basement... You are probably in your skid-mark stained underwear with oxy on your face, Punk!


Originally Posted by clown123
how bout this i got 1 question
1) how old r u?
i mean though if i have to save up $ for new lights then i will but my aneome is doing fine in it my small BTA!
i am sorry this is the internet.
And I would definately save money for new lights.