lfs has ritteri anenome for $30


Originally Posted by pesci
You are the idiot here. This argument was over before it began, I just wanted you to know that your arrogance was not appreciated. Argument over...

I wouldn't attempt to call you out of your parent's basement... You are probably in your skid-mark stained underwear with oxy on your face, Punk!
First of all I live in Florida and so I don't have a basement. Second of all I have been banned 5 times from this damn forum. So ---- you



Originally Posted by pesci
You are the idiot here. This argument was over before it began, I just wanted you to know that your arrogance was not appreciated. Argument over...

I wouldn't attempt to call you out of your parent's basement... You are probably in your skid-mark stained underwear with oxy on your face, Punk!
And btw, i was in a much bigger argument last night. Your comments are nothing.


Originally Posted by clown123
ok 1st off all if u wont say ur age then u must be like 13 just like i said!
I never knew 13 year olds are 6 foot 6. Wow I must be the next Yao ming.


Active Member
SFE no matter how bad u try to diss us u cant 2 on 1 or u will just get kicked off swf.com! easy as that they will catch u saying this stuff!


I wonder why you have been banned. You thonk I'm gay, huh, bada$$? Ask your momma if she thinks Im Gay you FU$K!


Active Member
pesci the modes are watching this 4 sure ur post is gone wait and see what happens to him! HAHAHAHAHAHA bye bye :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Originally Posted by clown123
yea BS ur prob 4 "12"

my ---- is 4 12'
and i am 6 foot 6.


Active Member
i like that eel u dont deserve that thing it probably HATES u u prob put ur DIKKK in its mouth and pretend its a PUZZZZZZZZy


I apologize to everyone on this thread but SFE, I am sorry this punk got the best of me and made me show my

tonight. This is not what this hobby is about.


Originally Posted by clown123
look at ur tiny azz hand ur like 13! go 2 bed!
lol...not my hand.
that is do0ch0liday's from last night's argument. I will prove it too. Stay tuned .


Originally Posted by pesci
I apologize to everyone on this thread but SFE, I am sorry this punk got the best of me and made me show my

tonight. This is not what this hobby is about.
you started ---- with me. It's not over..hell no.


Originally Posted by clown123
ok 6,6 hands are HUGE ur HANDS are TINY u now what they they small hands small dikkkkk
---- you..thats not my

