LFS nightmare!


The lfs I use on a regular basis was closed today because of Easter, so I found one down the street in the hopes I could buy some salt water and some parts for my skimmer. OMG, I was almost in tears when I left!
There was a tank on display, probably 90 gallons, with about 30-40 (maybe more?) clownfish, a row of tanks about 10-15 gallons in size with 3-6 tangs in each one,
and then a tank that was probably 120 gallons with about 10 Naso Tangs and a snowflake eel! The poor eel looked very stressed and was hiding under a rock. Most of the tanks had at least one dead fish and the smell in some of the tanks was like rotting sewage. This place made ***** look like heaven. Those poor fish... :nope:


OK, I usually go to DNA in Carrollton, but am looking for something a little closer to Garland to just pick up water, etc. Do you know of any stores on the east side of Dallas?


huh ?? which one you are talking about ?? at plano there only one at Parker and Cluster. BUt that one look nice and clean. I dunno there more fish store in Plano


There's two right around the corner from each other. The one at Parker and Custer is awesome. That's the only one we go to on a regular basis. The one I'm talking about is in the same shopping center as Rick's Bedroom Furniture.


theres a lfs downtown from...they have a clown,trigger,humu (full grown prob 8" each large and a large blue hippo around 6-7" all in a 55 gallon tank....they look more like sardines...


theres a lfs downtown from...they have a clown,niger,humu (full grown) prob 8" each large and a large blue hippo around 6-7" all in a 55 gallon tank....they look more like sardines...


It's amazing some places are still like that. Our lfs are so good(and cheap) they are even driving deathco out of town.