The lfs I use on a regular basis was closed today because of Easter, so I found one down the street in the hopes I could buy some salt water and some parts for my skimmer. OMG, I was almost in tears when I left!
There was a tank on display, probably 90 gallons, with about 30-40 (maybe more?) clownfish, a row of tanks about 10-15 gallons in size with 3-6 tangs in each one,
and then a tank that was probably 120 gallons with about 10 Naso Tangs and a snowflake eel! The poor eel looked very stressed and was hiding under a rock. Most of the tanks had at least one dead fish and the smell in some of the tanks was like rotting sewage. This place made ***** look like heaven. Those poor fish... :nope:
and then a tank that was probably 120 gallons with about 10 Naso Tangs and a snowflake eel! The poor eel looked very stressed and was hiding under a rock. Most of the tanks had at least one dead fish and the smell in some of the tanks was like rotting sewage. This place made ***** look like heaven. Those poor fish... :nope: