LFS took me for $900


Originally Posted by Bombay_Duc
i don't own a LFS and i agree with this guy. maybbe you should have posted here FIRST BEFORE you dropped $900 instead of crying about your ignorance. Next time don't run down to the LFS with money in your pigtails. people like you SHOULD be taken.

You're very rude -- go join the Marines! :mad:


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
That wasnt the question. Would you be mad if you daughter was sold (her own money) a junk car by someone? Was the question.

I dosn't matter who's money it is. As a parent you are responsible for raising intelligent human beings. And I would be mad .......... at my DAUGHTER.


Originally Posted by Missi
You're very rude -- go join the Marines! :mad:

Marines are the reason why you don't have to work on a communal farm or salute the swastika. Have some respect you *Edit*.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Missi
You're very rude -- go join the Marines! :mad:

So just what does bieng rude and joining the marines have to do with each other. I am a former marine myself, 31 years 10 months worth....I find that statemnent much worse than any such staement made to you, especiallay when there are thousands of them out there right now protecting youor backside. Jusat what the hecxk does being a marine have to do with being rude. Typical way of thinking from someone that says they got ripped off when they laid out the cash willingly......albeit haphazzardly and uneducated, but willingly just the same........
I am not caleous in my thoughts and I am not out to rip anyone. One thng for sure though is if my daughter was buying a car, I would make sure it was checked out, and not just a pig in a poke she was buying. Buying a USED item is not the same as buying form a busiuness and buying NEW. Integrity or no integrity, its still the consumer who is ultimately responsible to ensure they get what they are looking for before plunking down the moola......Not satsified, keep the green stuff in your pocket.......satisfied plunk it down and pay for it. Not quite sure, , wise thing would be to leave it and reasearch it more. Its not like what Missi bought was the only ones in existence and would not have a chance to buy later on, if only she did a little more research...it was an impulse uneducated purchase and she failed. Plain and simple......Why should any vendor be held liable for a customers ignorance or stupidity or lack of knowledge. I hold the customer responsible for themselves, especially if they are not educated enough to ask questions or ask the proper questions.......I see no need for a vendor to have to voluntarily supply info.
Like its been said before, life is not always fair, and entering into something haphazzardly is uusally not smart....but its certainly not the lFS that s at fault here by any means.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
So just what does bieng rude and joining the marines have to do with each other. I am a former marine myself, 31 years 10 months worth....I find that statemnent much worse than any such staement made to you, especiallay when there are thousands of them out there right now protecting youor backside. Jusat what the hecxk does being a marine have to do with being rude. Typical way of thinking from someone that says they got ripped off when they laid out the cash willingly......albeit haphazzardly and uneducated, but willingly just the same........
I am not caleous in my thoughts and I am not out to rip anyone. One thng for sure though is if my daughter was buying a car, I would make sure it was checked out, and not just a pig in a poke she was buying. Buying a USED item is not the same as buying form a busiuness and buying NEW. Integrity or no integrity, its still the consumer who is ultimately responsible to ensure they get what they are looking for before plunking down the moola......Not satsified, keep the green stuff in your pocket.......satisfied plunk it down and pay for it. Not quite sure, , wise thing would be to leave it and reasearch it more. Its not like what Missi bought was the only ones in existence and would not have a chance to buy later on, if only she did a little more research...it was an impulse uneducated purchase and she failed. Plain and simple......Why should any vendor be held liable for a customers ignorance or stupidity or lack of knowledge. I hold the customer responsible for themselves, especially if they are not educated enough to ask questions or ask the proper questions.......I see no need for a vendor to have to voluntarily supply info.
Like its been said before, life is not always fair, and entering into something haphazzardly is uusally not smart....but its certainly not the lFS that s at fault here by any means.
Ok, let me re-phrase that ---- "You (Bombay) seem to have a lot of pent up anger and maybe you should join the Marines and take out some of your anger overseas! I, too, am a former Marine and do love my country! No anti-American sentiments from me.


Originally Posted by Missi
Ok, let me re-phrase that ---- "You (Bombay) seem to have a lot of pent up anger and maybe you should join the Marines and take out some of your anger overseas! I, too, am a former Marine and do love my country! No anti-American sentiments from me.
I seriously doubt you are a marine. You sound like a whinny school girl with too much of daddy's money to waste. Marine my a.....!


Active Member
"You're very rude -- go join the Marines! :mad:"
Have some respect!!!
"I seriously doubt you are a marine. You sound like a whinny school girl with too much of daddy's money to waste. Marine my a.....!"
I agree with this.
I am done now so go about your arguing again.


Originally Posted by Bombay_Duc
I seriously doubt you are a marine. You sound like a whinny school girl with too much of daddy's money to waste. Marine my a.....!
You know what ---- I came here for some advise --- I have not ranted and raved and been rude, as you have. Actually, my Dad died when I was 5. I am a Marine and have had to leave my kids at home for long periods of time with their dad ---- I have found a hobby that I enjoy and was looking for some support, but this message board has been corrupted by a few people who's egos are about to burst and are looking to one-up or critize posters. I have better things to do with my time --- God Bless you and enjoy this message board without me.


Active Member
Miss, sorry you have had a bad experiance. this bombay guy is new here too, and should be reported to the mods. There are some really nice people here. I have been reading this thread, and wish i had spoken sooner. I have reported bombay to the mods for being Rude. He is new to these bb, and I guess he just dosent know the rules yet. I have been here about 18 mo, and have learned soo much. You should just ignore thse how want to act like a#$%es and talk to those who truley want to help.


Originally Posted by emmitt
What a surprise! Mystic is too stupid to do a search

Big talk from someone who cant keep a coral and needs a fancy camera and photoshop before he posts
Nothing to hide, do a little search(or have someone smart do it for ya), you'll find it.
More like not interested enough. Unlike you who can't seem to get enough of my history. Get a life, or better yet take your kid to a park or something, unless she's embarrassed to be seen with you.
Ok, I'll try "emmitt's non-existent tank pics" and see what that brings up. Wow, hundreds! Let me refine that a bit. "Nanocubes with miniature shipwrecks w/damsels". Ah, much better. No, sorry, it's only you commenting on it and asking for dimensions.


All y'all need to chill out.
This is good reading, but if any of you were having this conversation with and in front of me I can assure you that there would be a fight. Not with words either.
Yes Missy made a mistake and now she has to deal with it. Sorry miss, your loss. Best advice for you, do some research first. Know what you are buying/doing before you do anything. That goes for just about anything in life.
As for all you "experienced" aquariasts', she is new here and venting about her mistake. We all have done it, and to resort to name calling and jacking this thread is not cool on your parts. Yes some of us get annoyed at the common beginner problems or issues, but "if you have nothing nice to say"........ you how it goes. You guys should have more class than that.
There is no need to resort to name calling and bashing. It is not right nor fair to anyone who is new and reading this board. This is for newbies and if you are not here to help or relate experiences, go away. E.O.S.
I think missy gets it by now. couldn't take reading the B.S. any longer.


Active Member
I thought these bb were for people to come for help, especially new people
I agree with some1fishy. I dont understand why there is so much bashing and fighting between people who have nothing good to add to this thread.
***) ***) ***)


Active Member

Originally Posted by moby
Gentlemen, gentlemen.
I think we have gotten a little over the top with the critisism. Don't you?
It is a 50/50 responsibility and this young lady has learned a valuable lesson I'm sure.
But to digress into this sort of bashing is certainly not necessary.
If you feel that you cannot converse with a degree of decorum, I would suggest taking the prudent route and bite your tongue. (something I wrestle with on occassion!)
Everyone at one time or another has made mistakes, no one was born into full knowledge of salt water aquarium keeping. And everyone has the right to lament those mistakes.
We have all been there, myself included.
But lets remember regardless of our personal opinions to a least remain civil.

I think, Moby, that I must keep this somewhere and paste it as needed. And Alas, sometimes it is often needed.
This thread, like others, has reached its useful end.
Once again, as in others, a new poster looking for help has been annoyed and may just go away. What good has some of this done?
Let me once again say, that NO ONE HAS A RIGHT TO BE RUDE OR DISRESPECTFUL on this board, FOR ANY REASON.
There are SEVERAL people in this thread who need to consider their, shall we say "posting style" because it is not restricted to this thread.
I'm gettin' a bit tired of those who lament the "Tang police" types at every corner and turn around to be just as rude and unhelpful in return. Getting us nowhere!!! :mad: The name calling is not necessary...unless you don't feel particularly secure in what you are doing. :notsure: If you are, then surely you can logically defend your statements, whether for or against
a philosophy of tank keeping. The "tang police" types ("NO WAY NEVER NO HOW!!!!!...but I won't explain why") and "anti-tang police" ("ABSOLUTELY THOSE PEOPLE ARE JERKS I DID IT YOU CAN DO IT TO ITS NOT THE OCEAN") seem to have a lot in common in how "helpful" they are.
Frankly, both get on my nerves...but one at least keeps a fish out of the way. Explain your points logically without resorting to name calling and people may actually listen and RESPECT your point of view. If you can not do this, then I suggest you go elsewhere