I wouldn't trust any one source 100%. Instead, I ask several different sources, read as much as I can, and then draw my own educated conclusions. You will find with this hobby there are MANY ways to set-up and run your tank. There is no ONE correct answer. Read, read, and re-read both books and online. Also check other saltwater sites to see what they have to say. If you get re-occuring advice on one particular area, see why people say that (such as buying a seaclone skimmer, yes, I know people who have them and have modified them to work well, but most people have more problems than not). As for your LFS, finding a good one can be hard, but remember, once you find one that you like (has both good service, sound advice, and stuff you want), be sure to patron them. Yes, you can find stuff cheaper online, but there is no substitute for a good LFS. You never know when you will need emergency help (eg. tank is leaking and you need to move your fish out ASAP) or a favor (yes, I want to buy that fish, but I can't pick it up until next week, can you hold it for me?). Email me if you have more questions and I can help point you in the right direction.