Light timers???


OK... I've been searching for an affordable timer (under $50) that will control daylights, actinics, and moonlights seperately. I found a Coralife Dual Timer for $35 and a Zilla Dual Timer for $45.
Does anyone use either of these? If so can you give me some feedback please.
Thanks in advance
Go to HD or Lowes and buy 2 digitals from them, you will spend less, and get a little more control than a standard analog dial.


I picked up a few different timers on a few different occasions....
but my favorite is a regular analog timer ($12) that has two outletts on either side of it....
So i just plugged my Display tank and frag tank into that...
and used a different timer for refugium/sump
try to find a dual analog timer or two.. for the $$ its worth it in my mind


I used the coralife dual before getting my reefkeeper and never had problems. FYI the coralife and zilla timers are the same one.


I use a Coralife,and although ok it has its limits.
When the day power outlet goes off it automatically turn on (makes live) the night outlet/s. But you can't adjust the time you want on the night outlets then.
Basically,when 1 turns off it automatically makes the others live .
Do what everyone else is stating and go to the local hardware and buy a couple of regular timers for much better control

small triggers

Active Member
I used the Zilla and it burnt out after about 2 years so i guess it isnt that bad at all. I just went to HD and bought 2 seperate times with 2 inlets for all 4 of my lights..


Active Member
Coralife, reefkeeper, zilla...... All a total waste of money. People think they are getting something "made for the industry"

+1 on Home Depot, Lowes, or your local hardware store. Much better quality, much better control of functions, and no doubt 1/4 the cost....


I saw one at Home Depot today that had 8 outlets total and four had independent timer controls for $20. For some reason on the packaging it said not for use with aquariums but I have no idea why it said that. I was there to buy one more for my set up but wanted one that matched what I already had.


Thanks everyone!!!
I went to walmart and thought I was getting a great deal. A 6 outlet timer, 3 timed, and 3 constant for $18. But it turned out to be that the 3 timed outlets were all three timed together so it's either all 3 on or all 3 off. So I took it back and traded it in for some beer

I am trying to acomplish the dawn to dusk effect. I want the actinics to turn on 1 hr b4 the daylights and stay on 1 hr after the daylights turn off and the moonlights to be on at night.
So I guess I can go to HD, Lowes, or the local hardware store and buy 3 seperate timers $12 each. Or I can buy the coralife dual for $35 and have it all-in-one. Hlaf dozen one to the other I guess

Thank you all for your input it's much appreciated


I got the single timers for my dusk, day, and nights, all for around $3-$5 each. Bought 3 of them at Walmart in the housewares department. It works out for me because you can set the dials within a 15min mark.