lighting a refugium


I have 96w of PC over my 30gal refugium. That is probably on the higher end of the scale when compared to other people. You can also use a simple grow light if you are just planning on growing macroalgae. WHat size refugium were you planning on using?


I am experimenting with a 500 watt halogen bulb. I must say the macro growth is outstanding. I am trimming at least once every 4-6 days. Fauna growth is not stunted. One problem, macro is not the only algae growing, I have spots of 3 different nuisance algaes. They have not transferred to the main tank, seems it needs that light to survive.


Active Member
72 watts PC
36 actinic
36 daylight 10000K I believe
this is 4 week harvest yanked out yesterday from 18 gallon rubbermaid refugium


Well i have the sho n gro light from home depot 33watt is been good. I have a question about macro algae my refugium is really shallow like 6 inches of actual water and about 2.5 of sand, what is the optimal species of macro algae to grow, i have some long bladed calerpa i believe.

bang guy


Originally posted by pufferfreak
what is the optimal species of macro algae to grow

Optimally you should have at least three different species of algae, one of which is not Caulerpa sp. Any three will work but I would suggest a slow growing red, a fast growing green and some type of brillo or maidens hair algae.


Bang Guy- would 3 species fit in a 10 gallon with 2.5 in sand bed? I want to have grape calerpa and 2 others (following what you said) which would you reccommend like their street names so I can find them. Thanks

bang guy

Keep your long blade and add some brillo... maybe it's called spaghetti algae. I don't suggest grape for a 10 gal because it grows too fast.


Thanks, I think my lfs has it labeled as wire algae, next time I go I will purchase some, also you recommended a red algae, what would be a good one?


we the people, hereby demand that mr 900 gallon refugium share his algae! :p
getting warm soon... we got sand and algae to look forward to soon bang?