Lighting question for 10g mini-reef

sir ryan

Hi, I am setting up a little 10g. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to put in it yet, but probably some LPS and softies. It is the standard 20" wide. I was thinking of the 1x40 watt Satellite PC with moonlights. Cheap is good, but I also want a little quality. Thoughts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sir Ryan
Hi, I am setting up a little 10g. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to put in it yet, but probably some LPS and softies. It is the standard 20" wide. I was thinking of the 1x40 watt Satellite PC with moonlights. Cheap is good, but I also want a little quality. Thoughts?
70w JBJ K2 viper MH light with a phoenix or astrolux 14,000K lamp... the older, discontinued model would be even better as the range of mounting and aiming positions are much better than the new one. You can get a used one for around $60-75 bucks and then $50 for a new bulb if it doesn't already have a new one. This is definitely gonna be quality for your application and on the cheaper side. You may want to go without a hood on the tank to keep temps down if necessary.

sir ryan

Hmm. I think I would rather have a new light, one with actinics. MH is great but costly, so I already ruled that out. As of now, there is no hood, but I will more than likely buy one. I'll keep my eye out for a used fixture though. Thanks. Anybody else want to chime in their $.02?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sir Ryan
Hmm. I think I would rather have a new light, one with actinics. MH is great but costly, so I already ruled that out. As of now, there is no hood, but I will more than likely buy one. I'll keep my eye out for a used fixture though. Thanks. Anybody else want to chime in their $.02?
That's the thing, with the fixture I mentioned, you don't need a hood or canopy as it clamps on the back of the tank or stand behind it.. With these used lights all you need to be worried about are the following: ballast fires bulb and getting a new bulb if the one in there is more than 10months old. With most 14,000k bulbs you won't need actinics.


Active Member
I think a 70w MH light on a 10gal tank would be wayyyy too much ! especially for softies! that's 7WPG. I had a 250w MH light on my40 breeder ( about 6WPG) and the corals did not react well
I replaced it with a t5 vho light and they LOVED it! I would go with a much lower T5 or even a CFL on a tank that small , My CFL light on my bio-cube was plenty for softies and even a few birds nest. Good luck and let us know what you decided on


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Roll with a T5 Fixture!
bulbs shorter than 24inches are pretty inefficient for T5HOs and not alot of bulb choices in that size range.
I run a 150w on my 20long. I don't run a reef tank at less than 7.5wpg. Hell, my Tunze tank is going to have a 150w (10wpg there.) All about coral placement. Put LPS and softies at the bottom and SPS at the top.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
I think a 70w MH light on a 10gal tank would be wayyyy too much ! especially for softies! that's 7WPG. I had a 250w MH light on my40 breeder ( about 6WPG) and the corals did not react well
I replaced it with a t5 vho light and they LOVED it! I would go with a much lower T5 or even a CFL on a tank that small , My CFL light on my bio-cube was plenty for softies and even a few birds nest. Good luck and let us know what you decided on

Maybe user error i.e. misplacement of corals and general inability? You know some corals may need light acclimation right especially with a big change in lighting intensity? Ignorance is bliss, good luck with your thread.

sir ryan

So I got a pretty good deal on the PC light. it's the 2x40 with moonlights and a fan. I'll post some pictures soon if anybody wants. Thanks for the feedback everybody.
Originally Posted by nwdyr
I think a 70w MH light on a 10gal tank would be wayyyy too much ! especially for softies! that's 7WPG. I had a 250w MH light on my40 breeder ( about 6WPG) and the corals did not react well
I replaced it with a t5 vho light and they LOVED it! I would go with a much lower T5 or even a CFL on a tank that small , My CFL light on my bio-cube was plenty for softies and even a few birds nest. Good luck and let us know what you decided on

theres a guy that has a 3gallon with the 150w MH Sunpod over his tank


Active Member
im putting 108 watts on my 10 gallon. its T5's but still its a lot of light. i might take out 2 bulbs and have about 76 watts i think but im gunna have any where from 7.6-10 watts per gallon

sir ryan

Well, I have about 450w over my 46g bow. I figured the 10g is pretty shallow and I wouldn't need MH, so I stuck with the PC. I know some people use Halides on 10g's, but I'm not putting SPS in there.
you dont need MH i was just saying i agree with rotary and that it is possible and would give you really nice growth im sure on a lot of pieces. It is kinda over kill though if you arnt doing sps but a lot of people end up going sps eventually and upgrade lights. just my 2 cents

sir ryan

Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
you dont need MH i was just saying i agree with rotary and that it is possible and would give you really nice growth im sure on a lot of pieces. It is kinda over kill though if you arnt doing sps but a lot of people end up going sps eventually and upgrade lights. just my 2 cents
I see what you mean, but I already have some SPS in my 46g.