Lighting Question


New Member
Greetings, I have a quick question about lighting. Just purchased and started to set up a 90 gallon tank, this will be a reef tank. I will be picking up live rock today to start the cycle and need to figure out what type of lights I should use.
At this point all I have are 2 retrofitted Metal Halide ballast/reflector/brackets. What bulps should I be getting? I know this is low light, hope to be adding a couple of flourescents soon, but will be starting with just 2 MH bulbs.
Any suggestions?
Troy Flint


New Member
Doh, wrote those down so I would remember to add it to my post and then totally forgot. 175w m57 is on the side of the ballast.

bang guy

I'd suggest looking for 10K bulbs. They seem to put out more PAR than the higher Kelvin variety. It may not look as white as you like though. Once you add the flourescents it will look much better.


Active Member
2 175w mh's on a 90 is not low light. I would suggest you go with either 10k's or 12k's really depends on what kind of color you like. The higher the k# the more blue it will be. You could add more light via VHO's or pc's.


New Member
Thanks much for the replies guys. Heading to the LFS in the next little bit, will check into some 10K's.
Once again, thanks!