lighting question


Active Member
How high is your hood off the water? If it's too low, you may have a tough time with Halides.


Active Member
So you just have the glass panels that cover the top of the tank? You don't have a wooden canopy over it? If not, you may want to invest in that. It will assist with many lighting set ups.
In the absence of that, I'd say Power Compacts/Compact Flourescents. They have self contained kits that will mount on to the sides of the tank. Halides, you will either need a hanging pendant, or a wooden canopy to install them in.


Active Member
Well, if it is a reef, you probably don't want flourescents. Based on that, do a search for VHO's and PC's on the board. Halides need to be about 12-18 inches off the water's surface. So if you dont have that big of a canopy, go with one of the others. There is much controversy on whether PC's VHO's or a combo works best. I am sure you will see that if you read some of the old threads on the topic. Based on that, then people may be able to help you out a little more. As much info as possible on the subject is always appreciated. Oh, if only I could be psychic. Or have x-ray vision. :D


i have the glass top and the wood hood. i think there is abou 6 or 7 inches from the water to the top bracing of the hood.


Active Member
Yes, based on just that, VHOs or PC's would be the best way to go. Now, we're talking what kinds of corals you want to keep. There are PC and VHO systems that can fit varying amounts of wattage in the same amount of space. For example, you have JBJ, Formosa, All Glass Aquarium, etc. It really varies. If you just want low light stuff, you can get away with less expensive setups.


right now i have the custom sealife smartlight but i am having problem with the lights starting to dim after a week or so so i'm looking for the next step up.


Active Member
Tasha - I would look @ some VHO retro fit systems. ALso - if you still have the glass tops on your tank I would get rid of your airstone that you have in your tank. You mention it in another thread. The airstone will cause spray which causes salt creep which means your glass tops are getting crud on them making your lights dim..... HTH.


Active Member
also - clena off those glass panels using a scraper or what not and that will help increase your light through put.
Question - how big is your tank depth and length
Lastly - you could look into T5 lighting which is just starting to get popular in the US - not sure if you can get a retrofit system ....


i have a question, wat is T5 liting? ive herd lots of people talk about T5 and T8 and others, but i never know wat it is. jw.


Active Member
do a google search on it .... or do a search ehre on t5 lighting as Timsedwards and I believe barracuda both use it .... it is a type of flourescent lighting which burns longer and brighter and cooler ...
I just received my T5 light retro kit and WOW! I am really impressed! I can't get into the technical mumbo about lux and par and all that, but all I can tell you is with the parabolic reflectors and a 4 bulb system these little guys scream! I can't hardly look at the bulbs when they are running. I was running compact and these blow them out of the water!


thanks for for kind post melody.
should i get rid of the airstone and glass or just the airstone?


actuallt it's quite opposite except for the sea apple mistake all of my inhabitants have done pretty well, my fireshrimp has moulted twice my corals and anemones are growing beyong belief.