lighting question


tossed the airston and glass tops and the ligh is much brighter tank looks cleaner and better. Icecap 660 is the next step will order today or tomorrow. Thanks for the help.


This thread was going fine till someone pulled out a flame thrower, and it all started again. Let it go.
Part that bothers me is when a newbie signs on and says;
This makes a "newbie"like me scared to ask questions.....jeesh!!
I am pleased to see many of you get over it and come back with good advice to help fellow reefers along the way with education, experience and good opinions.
I am asking that the waterchanges be used to put some fires out here. We do not need to scare new people away like this. Tis ashamed some of you should be. Lets have fun but lets get back on track as well.
don't want to rain on anyones parade but ............Jeesh!!
Thanks for listening.



Originally posted by waterfaller1
This makes a "newbie"like me scared to ask questions.....jeesh!!:confused:

Dont' be scared, 'cause THERE ARE MANY NICE PEOPLE on this board willing to help you out instead of flaming you :) But just ignore if there are such flamers. do post your pics to share. I would smile at the flamers. Who didn't kill any fish if he/she were newbie once? Of course no one wants to do that. Being human, sometimes we might want to get our own experience, therefore mistakes are not avoidable.
Before asking a question, it's a good practice to do some research (forget it if you're kindda lazy :) bad advice ) then compare it with the answers you get here on this board. It's your choice to choose the ones that make sense to you. NOT ALL ADVISES ARE GOOD 4 U. Some could be good answer but it might turn out bad when you applied it because hobbyists sometimes share their thought based on their own experiences to different conditions of their SW environment (water, chemistry, livestocks, fish health condition when bought, lighting, tank size...)
Sometimes typing instead of talking might lead to misunderstanding because we're lack of tone in what we're saying SO BE COOL :cool:
Woa, I've typed this long :D Welcome!


Active Member

Originally posted by Dattong
Who didn't kill any fish if he/she were newbie once?

new folks aren't the only ones to lose fish .....:(


Go with Ice cap 600. Ditch the airstone. Ditch the glass tops for better gas exchange and better light penetration.


New Member
tasha, you know a guy who grew a red tree sponge so large it grew outside of his tank???? you remind me of him.


Active Member

Originally posted by jckkc
tasha, you know a guy who grew a red tree sponge so large it grew outside of his tank???? you remind me of him.

Where did that come from?????