lighting question


Active Member

Originally posted by Tasha799
should i get rid of the airstone and glass or just the airstone?

Start with the airstone ... clean the glass ...
What size tank do you have??


thanks jackief1,
u took it out of context like everyone else, and your are also taking my other post out of context too. I have never not taken advice from this board. When i put pics up of my fish tank and someone tells me u have to get rid of this or do that i don't believe that's not taking advice. That's them bossing me around. People are suppose to give advice to question u ask. And people on this board take what other people say as fact. Unforunately just like u said u have taken what other people say and used it against me. If they don't want to help me than that's fine. No problemi understand. But i have always taken the advice of the board.


Active Member
Jackief and Melody...
Here is a suggestion for you both...If you do not approve of the way this person conducts their business.why would you offer suggestions?..One would think the courteous thing to do is not read nor reply to this person if they irritate you to the point of sarcastic comments about their methods...
Regardless of what this person may or may not have done, could possibly do, shouldn't do, or is their tank, people here can merely offer suggestions and leave it at that...whether the person takes advantage of suggestions is irrelevent to any is their business, and their business only...


Active Member
Direct quotes.
4-28. When I came home and put it in the fish tank died and all my fished died because of it....So..what do you think who;s fault is that?
5-6 I have a porcupine puffer. ... I bought him a week ago... (This would be the day after the crash),
5-6 I got a puffer as a gift....and I can;t get rid of him
5-6 wow! Thats amazing...but I ..can;t get rid of him...because he is my fav. fish..
5-6 As for ET, he may be a bad choice, but in my culture it's a slap in the face to get rid of someones present. So i won't.
5-6 no, i don't think so but i'm not sure. what is salt spray? but that's a damn good eye i do have an airstone.
5-7 But i have always taken the advice of the board.
There are others that I do not have time to put here.
Nuff said.


wow dreeves if only the world could think more like u whether u like me or not thank you i appreciate it.
when people take out question in onepost and add it to another post and take it ourt of context that's wrong. If u wanna go to my tank pics thread in a few minutes i'll have a detailed post and comeback. but unfortunately againg it's very wrong when people take things out of context.
here's the problem all i did was ask about a light but unfortunately i can't get any info because everyone would rather put there opinion on other things, but i'm sure later on i'll have disregarded everyones advice on ythe board and gotten the wrong light too.

bang guy

IceCap 660.
Recommended options (just my opinion):
A. 2 X URI AquaSun VHO + 2 X URI SuperActinic VHO
B. 2 X T-5 daylights + 2 X URI SuperActinic VHO
C. 2 X 96 watt PC Daylight + 2 X URI SuperActinic VHO


Active Member
Folks - the point of a message board is to discuss, offer constructive criticism, and be part of a community of individuals who enjoy something you enjoy as well.
People get pretty heated and individuals get pretty worked up (trust me it happens to EVERYONE). But please - lets not have this thread turn into a bashing session.
A community member asked for suggestings on lighting. People ask stuff like this all the time. So lets help out .... if you feel the need to bash please stiffle it and move on.
If need arises or you see a place to offer constructive criticism then do so - but do not just shred someone .....


Active Member
Didnt anybody's mother tell them "if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all."? Maybe some members should heed their mom's advice. Nobody makes you read the post or reply to it. At one time we were all new to the hobby and made mistakes. If you say you didnt then you are a liar. I dont always follow the advice of the board because sometimes it is nonsense but I do know who has the experience and info and who spits nonsense. Tasha, take the advise of whoever you want/trust. Sooner or later you will figure out which members to listen too.


Active Member
It will help when you are kidding or making a joke to put one of the faces directly after your quote. Usually this one :D or this one :p


Active Member
Don't be scared...this kind of thing is actually pretty rare around here. Unfortunately, it does give a bad impression, and everyone who posts here should make note of that.


Active Member
Mother also said...don't get married...look both ways before crossing a street...don't talk with strangers...buckle up...etc, etc...
Most haven't heeded dear ole ma's advice with those so why would speaking your piece be different?
Wow...Tasha...instead of contributing to the silliness as often times is displayed through mediums such as these...ignore their posts as them..laugh at on...
New person...I guess you never experienced fidonet in its beginning...there are not that many problems as mentioned...disagreements do occur and will continue to occur as sure as the Sun will shine tomorrow (somewhere). Ask your questions, seek advice, accept whatever advice you feel confortable with, and read, read, and read some more.
The educational value here far outweighs the entertainment value...enjoy