lighting question


New Member
i have a 72inch, 18 inch deep and 24 inch wide a total of 140 gallons. i just purchase 2-65 actinic and 2-65 watt 10000k power compact fluorescent lighting system 48 inches (4 foot long) would this be sufficient enough to run a reef/coral system?

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
id say you'd be on the low side as for lighting. You'd be able to keep some mushrooms, and polyps but other than that i think you'll need more light. So i dont think it would be a sufficient reef tank. If i were you id go with metal halides on a tank that long. 3-250W halides would support anything you could throw at them. I know they are expensive but for a tank that long, you'd have to pack alot of PC or VHO in it to support sucessful tank.