Lighting timing question


I have a 90gl. with zoa's and couple soft coral along with fish. Lights set on timer and I have one 48 inch T-5 with total of 216 watts(2-10,000 and 2-18,000 bulbs), I also have a 48 inch PC with total of 260 watts( 2-10,000 and 2-actinic bulbs). I currently have timer set to keep lights on 12 hours day but am having trouble with algae. LFS told me to only run lights 9 hours day at most. They said to run all lights for 9 hours then turn them all off with exception of any LCD moon lights that might be on. Does this sound about right.

bang guy

Not to me.
Excess algae isn't a problem with lights, it's a problem with excess nutrients. Test your Nitrate and Phosphate levels. Are you using tap water? Are you overstocked? do you overfeed? How do you export Nitrate?


Active Member
Hmmmmmm. good point bang, wasn't answering the algae question, just the light timing question.


All levels are great, 0 on Nitrate, Nitrite, and amonia levels, I use RO/DI water now. When I first filled tank it was well water but the last 3 water changes of 20gls each at 2 week intervals, have been water through system, and all top off water is treated. I dont have phosphate kit but I just added a poly filter to system for phosphates by LFS recomendations. Only 2 fish currently, yellow tang and foxface. I have been feeding algae sheets daily and pellets daily, possibly overfeeding? Thanks for help guys, so much to learn here.


What I have noticed is my water is slightly hazy and I am getting what looks like a redish brown film on glass quickly, cleaning it a couple times a day. Rock seems to have more brown algae than earlier. I put a sock on my water line and micro filter hoping this will help. Cant seem to get water clear and keep film off glass. What do you feel it might be?

bang guy

The film is probably Diatoms. Ironically, Diatoms will keep your Phosphate and Nitrate levels very low because they are the masters at feeding. Nothing is able to feed as efficiently as Diatoms.
Is your haze a yellow-greenish tint? Gelbstof can be quickly removed by forcing your water through GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) for 48 hours.
You could try Turbin Snails to help you remove Diatoms.


Not sure what color you would call the haze, possibly light green, the film on glass looks light brown or red. Was using carbon but took it out at advice of LFS when I put the micro filter and sock in. I also have had to use some Kick Ick for last week due to ick problem. Fish are doing fine now but he said to complete the treatment cycle and keep out carbon until finished. I also remove micro filter when I dose, leave out until next day. Does this sound right to you guys, put lots of trust in your expertise.


bump, I sitll need some guidance on this, thanks, and i never did get an answer on times to keep my lighting on in tank.

bang guy

Originally Posted by revrick3
bump, I sitll need some guidance on this, thanks, and i never did get an answer on times to keep my lighting on in tank.
At least 8 hours of light, no more than 12. If you have multiple sets of light you can run the most intense lighting just 4 hours to save power.