

Can anyone give me an idea of what type of lighting I should be using on a 55 gallon reef tank.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by ezjp
Can anyone give me an idea of what type of lighting I should be using on a 55 gallon reef tank.

I will be interested in the responses. I am currently using two two tube 40 watt utility fixtured ($7.95 each) with 3300 lumen daylight tubes. 4x3300=13,200 lumens. I know for deap water reefs you need the bluer lights. Also am designing a hood which will handle 6 tubes.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Kipass4130
beaslbob... if one goes by the old Watt per gallon rule (and i think this serves for newbies as the guy asking)... then your 80 watts on a 55 is waaaaay low and i am also guessing you dont have very K rating on those bulbs either
on my 55 gal frag tank i started out with 2 110w vhos... thats a good start for 55 gal tank... you can keep shrooms, polyps, softies, and some lps happy with that ... take this combination and add 2x250 or 2x175w metal halides and you can keep anything you want.
my 55 gal frag tank

woopsies. my tank is fish only. That's why I am interested in the responses. not suggesting anything for reef tanks.


I just bought a new 4x65w pc (with moonlite) for my 75gal. On the spec sheet it says: "The PC's are definitely capable of providing enough spectral energy to properly keep and grow stony corals or clams. ********, Inc has been growing Acropora, Hdnophora, Favia, and Caulastrea for over 10 years with excellent growth and coloration"
I am also using an additional 110w PC that I had planned on replacing.
I know I have enough light for soft corals and posted the question about hard corals on this board. Most everyone said that I will NOT be able to grow hard corals with the lighting set-up I have. I am not ready for hard corals yet, but it will be interesting to see how everything else grows.



Originally posted by tangsfornuttin
If you're looking for the ultimate setup, a combination of MH/VHO is ideal. Slap a couple 1000W MH and 4 110W actinic VHO's and you'll be able to grow the pants off any coral on the planet (and clams too.)
Good luck

2440 watts on a 55 gallon = 44 wats per gallon.... you may have a hard time seeing anything in the tank without


Thanks to everyone for the responses, currently i am using a 4 foot home depot fixture w/ two 60 watt bulbs. Nothing special but I am working towards the lighting upgrade. Anyone have a particular place that you order from? Thanks again.


Yes I do have a canopy. I built the canopy to fit the 4 foot flourescent fixture. If needed i dont mind doing alterations, I just want to do it right the first time. EX.. Correct fixture,ballast,bulbs etc..... Thanks again


Yes it is a reef tank. 55 gallon w 90 lbs LR. I dont want to get the corals or anything like that until i have the proper lighting.

bang guy

tangsfornuttin made an excellent point. There's no way to accurately determine proper lighting until you know what the end result of your tank will be. If you want an SPS dominated tank then MH is the proper route IMO. If you don't really know then I suggest going PC or VHO (or the new T-5) but leave room to add a couple MH in the future. That way if you switch to MH you can use the flourescents for Actinic supplementation.
I also suggest the IceCap 660 because you can run any type of flourescent or even mix & match.


I belive that the 60watt 4 foot bulbs are HO. The color spectrum is not designed for aqaurium use and might lead to alot of nucience algea. It should be fine for fish and clean up crew till you can decide on what you want for lights for the start of the reef. I also am a big fan of the Icecap 660.