
I am a beginner and i dont know much i just want to know what type of lighting i need for just a regular tank that i want to put live rock in and fish. i dont need a reef light for live coral i am putting dead coral in though but i just wanna know the cheapest light to keep live rock alive not coral just rock.
thanks alot, Shane


Active Member
Depends on the size. If you want something brighter then go with some power compacts. It really depends on the size of the tank and how bright you want things.


Active Member
Welcome, For a fish only tank the normal output lighting that should of came with the tank will work. If you did not get any lighting with the tank, post the tank size and we can help you pick out some NO lighting.


Keeping the rock alive is a little vague. Most things that come on live rock (feather dusters, sponges ect) don't need light at all. If you are worried about keeping the coraline algae (the purple or pink algae on the rock alive) the the most important thing is to keep your calcium levels up. I have heard that a normal strip light will be enough but I have also heard that you need something brighter to keep it alive. Personally I have LR in my sump that gets only dim light and the coraline algae coverage has stayed at 100% over the year I have had it in there. So I guess if I were you I would get a regular twin tube strip light with one 10k and one actinic (blueish bulb). The color of the light will look much better with the actinic bulb.
how much do you guys think that a twin tube striplight with one 10k and one actinic bulb for a 20 L would cost me?
BTW i dont know what a actinic bulb or a 10k is. help me out here.
Thanks alot


ok, a 10k means a 10,000 kelvin bulb which means the light is a white color. An actinic bulb gives off a blue light which brings out the flourescense in fish and other marine life and give the tank a more marine look in general by making the water look a little bit more blue and a little less yellow. a 20 long is 30" long so you would need to het a 30" twin tube strip light. I just checked a few online stores and they are like $90. That inclues the bulbs.


Active Member
I am using a regular commercial grade flourescent lighting fixture for my 75 gal. You can buy them at your local lowes or home depot. I think you can buy the fixtures for about $25-up. The 10k is a type of bulb, rated at 10,000 kelvin. You can find them anywhere online or your LFS. Same thing for the actinic blue - a bright blue penetrating light that is also avail at any petstore or fishstore. With both bulbs on you will see a nice coloring of your tank.
thank you jeo, i heard the same about the lights about 90 bucks that seems a little expensive but i can handle it. will that light take care of live coral too since its so expensive and all.?would i have to order the lighting or do most petstores have them in stock?


no that wouldn't be enough for corals. It is pretty expensive though for normal lights, you should try to see if anyone local has old ones for sale. They seem to be realativly easy to find used. You would probably still need to buy new bulbs though. I'm not sure if a petstore would have a twin tube or could find a single no problem. You would probably be able to find it online a lot cheaper anyway though.
Another option for about the same amout of money (and a lot more work) would be to buy a power compact bulb retro kit and build your own canopy. I bought a 2x55 watt PC retrokit for, well, I really can't remember exactly. I think it came out to $110 with the bulbs but im not sure. This would be enough light for some corals like mushrooms


Active Member
i agree with the above for $30 more u can get some corals that involve little light. For that much more its worth it 2x55 wattts is only like 120 shipped!


New Member
lotta where in FL do ytou live I may be able to help with the lighting problem. Have a couple single strip lights I don not need


Active Member
hey he and i r friends! We live in bradenton florida what about u?
Remember shane read books,research,and take it slow!
Have fun w/ur tank! o yeah he now has a 29g so lighting will need to be a little bit stronger now seeing as how its taller.
thanks guys , i allready bought a set up with a single striplight i just need the bulb now. i am putting LR and dead coral in it no anenome's or LC sould i stick with the single or try for a twin top striplight and put an actinic bulb and a florescent in them.
help me out
Thanks guys, Shane


I would stick with the single for now and keep your eyes open for another used single striplight. This way you can put the actinic in the second strip light when you get it. In the mean time you will be fine with just one.
thanks guys ,i am just going to stick with the single that i bought and i bought a 29gal instead of a 20, but its the same length and width as a 20 L its only 5 inches higher.i have i all set up, this is what i got:29G, glass top,single striplight,under-gravel filter system, gravel and i dont have any LR or dead coral in it yet. i want to get another external filter maybe wet/dry but im not sure yet. hopefully i will get some LR and cycle fish today or tomarrow.