lights vho vs pc


New Member
I have a 45 gal fowlr. I need to upgrade my lighting and would like to build a new canopy. I've had an anemone for about 18 months and two clowns, lr, dsb, and various cleaners. I don't plan on getting any new fish or coral for a while because I like what I have and don't want to overburden the tank.
I need some dialogue regarding the vho vs pc comparison, whether for my tank or another type. I didn't find much regarding comparing/contrasting the two when I searched.
Thanks in advance,


Active Member
I like the look and intsnity of the VHO's. If Overanalyzer would chime in here, he just put 150watts of VHO over his 20g


Active Member
I have used both and I have to say IMO the VHO look much better and put out more light. I also have electronic ballast which keeps the bulbs very cool.

bang guy

This site sells the IceCap 660. This ballast will light either VHO or PC. It'll even light the new T-5 style. I've also seen it work with a mix & match of PC daylights and Actinic VHO running off just one ballast.


Active Member
Hey bang, have you seen it fire the T-5's yet man it's sweet looking, but you better bring a pair of shades:cool:


Ok I did a search on VHO and ended up here... What are t-5's? Is it a flouresent bulb?? Can anyone offer a link?


Thanks Kip.
I did what I should have done before I posted... a search on t5's! :eek:
I will be buying my lights in the next couple/few weeks so I think I might try and learn a little more on t5 vrs VHO. So far looks like the t5 is a good way to go!


Is the wattage the same on a T-5 vs a T-12? 4ftbulbs are 110W and 6ft bulbs are 160W. The reason I ask is that I have seen some T-8 NO bulbs that were I belive used for growing plants they were 32watts and most of the T-12size is 40watts for a 4 foot bulb.


Active Member
I just put 150 Watts of VHO over my 20 and it is bright enough that it wakes my girls up so I had to adjust the timer to facilitate sleeping in. I use the 50/50 URI bulbs and was plannign on putting a reflector in but upon consideration I will be using a polished aluminum sheet and going from there. I will also be adding one 13 watt PC bulb to add a little more blue light into the tank for appearance reasons (plus I have a tiny little space for one....) I will post some pictures tonight with my dinosaur of a digital camera!
~ Jerome


Bang........I belive in NO aplication most of the t-5, t-8 use less wattage and produce the same amount of LUX if not more than t-12s. If you overdriving those little monkeys at 110 watts that would mean a lot more LUX..........but, shorter bulb life. Might be a good choice for daylight bulbs due to your reseach on life expectency but a poor choice for atinics or 50/50s. Im going to have to start looking into the next generation lighting. I think I will email Chris tonite and see where he can direct me to.


Overdriving the T5 with an IceCap Ballast results 80w from the 48" 54w NO bulbs. The Bulb life overdriven is still expected to be longer then that of a VHO. In the area of 18-24 months! 4 years at normal watts! :eek: Atleast this is what I am reading.
In a post at Reef Central, Andy from IceCap is recommending URI T-12 for Super Actinic and Actinic White. He recommends T5 for 6.5k. He also reminds us that adding removing T5 is easy with new endcaps.
I am about to order my lights in the next week or so. I think I will have atleast one T5 6.5k in the mix if not all T5's. I am waiting on a couple email replies from vendors carring T5 before I decide. If the Lumens is as good if not better (as claimed) then the VHO... and 80w vrs 110w per light in a 4 light setup... its hard to argure why not try T5's. Especially considering the bulb life is 2x!
Reflectors are needed with T5 but the cost will more then be canceled out by electric and bulb savings...


Active Member
Hey Treg - can you send me the research and any links you might have on the T5's? I have been thinking about using them over a 75 gallon I am setting up ....


Hey overanalyzer.
I'm sorry but I didnt really save any links.
All I did was search T-5 here and the forum at
Reefcentral has a sponsor section and in there is IceCap. I found quit a bit there. I also searched google for Aquarium T-5 and found alot of pages.
There is tons on info out on T5's. Not all relating to Aquarium lighting but some still worth reading.

joe r.

New Member
any one know where they sell the T5's in the United States. All I can find through google are UK sites.