Linkia Multiiflora Question


I received my Linkia this morning 9am pst it was shipped at 5pm pst(Fri),
There were no heat bags and the water was very cold ..My question was not a speckled red, it was and is a speckled green(like an olive green w/darker green speckles).Is this due to the trauma or is this not in fact a Multiflora?Will it change color?It's 3-4".All of it's legs are different lengths and it has been hanging onto my hang-on skimmer since this afternoon.
I took out my urchins so they would not compete for food..will my snails compete for the same algaes?TIA. for any guidance.


Active Member
To be honest I really don't know. I haven't had any experience with (or even seen) a green speckeled Multiflora. Is it neat looking?
Ophiura will be the one to answer your question about the color.
As far as algae competing goes.......I think that you should be fine. The linkias tend to stick more to the rockwork and inside the rockwork......a lot of places that snails can't get to. Good luck with your new additon.

bang guy


Originally posted by Katara
..will my snails compete for the same algaes?

No... I don't believe Linckia eat algae. If Ophiura responds take her advice over mine though ;)


Unfortuately, the green is an ugly green..I was really hoping for a red one like it was pictured.However,I would have gladly accepted a blue one;)
Well, I'll begin my wait for Ophiura, and hope the color changes...I can't even fins the little one now,I suppose that's normal(I hope)