Linkin Park


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I think in this case it can depend on what kind of sound you like. Chester does have a little higher pitched tenor voice than a lot of rockers out there so to someone who likes a deeper sound then that would sound whiny especially if he is singing an angst-ridden song. I love some of their songs like Crawling. My absolute favorite is the collaboration between Chester and Z-trip. If you haven't heard it, it's called Walking Dead and it is awesome. I actually prefer more of a deeper sound like Staind or Type O Negative but I pretty much enjoy anyone with an interesting or different sounding voice. I like Amy Lee, Fred Durst, Bono, anyone who doesn't sound like the average person. For this reason, I don't care for most of the country out there. But even that has it's exceptions for me if the person has an amazing voice. My favorite song is Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd due to the voice and the guitar riffs.


Active Member
I've never liked LP enough to buy any of their albums, but I don't usually turn the station when they come on the radio either.


Amen Jaymz. They can't touch tool, system of a down, etc. Lyrical geniuses!!?? Please their singles are so cliche' riddled and unoriginal it doesn't merit my time to look for diversity in their albums. I like the variation of some of their musical intros, but as soon as they break into that crappy one guy rapping through each verse (slow and flat and poorly I might add) while the other guy whines and gives the same nasally weak screams through the chorus, I feel the urge to chew on styrofoam till the hairs jump off my arm and I go deaf from the sound. What is good is not always popular, and what is popular is not always good, and everyone has different tastes and opinions and mine follow along with the haterz. You get played too much on the radio and seem overrated it already puts you at a disadvantage with me, better if it truly moves me and isn't necessarily played all the time.


Active Member
You lost me at SoaD who can't even handle Tools jock or a band like Helmets. I like SoaD but I'd hardly put them in a class above LP.


Nonsense, I can't find SOAD to be cliche' because they are very bizarre in their lyrics, and it appeals to me more poetically. In addition I would say that in my opinion as a listener and singer that both vocalists have more range and variation in their singing than the members of lp. I don't love SOAD by any means, but I have a lot more respect for them.


Originally Posted by Harlikwin
Amen Jaymz. They can't touch tool, system of a down, etc. Lyrical geniuses!!?? Please their singles are so cliche' riddled and unoriginal it doesn't merit my time to look for diversity in their albums. I like the variation of some of their musical intros, but as soon as they break into that crappy one guy rapping through each verse (slow and flat and poorly I might add) while the other guy whines and gives the same nasally weak screams through the chorus, I feel the urge to chew on styrofoam till the hairs jump off my arm and I go deaf from the sound. What is good is not always popular, and what is popular is not always good, and everyone has different tastes and opinions and mine follow along with the haterz. You get played too much on the radio and seem overrated it already puts you at a disadvantage with me, better if it truly moves me and isn't necessarily played all the time.
agreed. i dont listen to tool and cant comment because i listened to like 2 of their songs and gave up on them. and SOAD??? really? come on they can't preform at all live for one. so that means their "sound" comes from mix ups more then anything. and if you want a band with lyrics that are juvenile and vocals that are just not good then go for it and listen to system. i personally feel they are a generic band that slips in main stream media because of one hit wonders they occasionally put out. IMO
i do feel that LP is improving as time goes on like COWFISH said and its not that i dont like Hybrid Theory because i do, i just prefer to listen to the live tracks over the album version. if you listen to HT live tacks youll hear a completely diff sound then what was on the album. and as time goes on they continue to evolve as musicians.
yet im still wondering how they are whiny? yeah they have some songs that are about messed up relationships, buut can that really be compared to what they call "emo?" i see no comparison (just using the stereotype)
sell outs? explain this? they continue to support local bands ex. Projekt Revolution and the contests. and they have supported Live Earth and have started Music for Relief which fights global warming and supports helping countries with natural disaster around the world
or are they sell outs because Chester played a part in the movie Crank as a druggy or Joe Hann produced his on movie called the Seed? or they produce 5+ music videos BY THEMSELVS per album(meaning that Joe Hann and Shinoda produce the videos) im just trying to figure out how they have become sell outs. personally i just see successful people making a difference. but hey, i could be wrong
no personal attacks were intended if i may of had one so nothing personal lol...dont want to start any conflict outside of the music discussion


Active Member
Originally Posted by Harlikwin
Nonsense, I can't find SOAD to be cliche' because they are very bizarre in their lyrics, and it appeals to me more poetically. In addition I would say that in my opinion as a listener and singer that both vocalists have more range and variation in their singing than the members of lp. I don't love SOAD by any means, but I have a lot more respect for them.

SoaD lyrics make about as much sense as Nirvana lyrics which is to say, not at all. At what point did writing nonsense become talent? If you want talented lyrics you need to listen to Dylan or even more recent band like Arctic Monkeys. LP and SoaD survive on musical ability alone, neither thrive on originality since LP is basically a harder 311 sans the reggae influence and SoaD is a Korn+Tool copycat and neither thrive on strong meaningful lyrics. Now maybe you think musically SoaD is a step above LP, but I just don't see it.


LP does have original music, but also has innovated styles.
as for now i was searching SOAD on youtube and came across a video where they stated "once again this song is about nothing"
just thought that was funny :)
LP has lyrically improved on M2M


Active Member
Originally Posted by ca161406
agreed. i dont listen to tool and cant comment because i listened to like 2 of their songs and gave up on them.
Do yourself a favor and listen to aenima front to back out of a nice stereo or on headphones. If you don't like it, listen to it again. If you aren't hooked by at least the 3rd or 4th(or most likely 1st) time then I dunno what to tell ya.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ca161406
LP does have original music, but also has innovated styles.
Sorry bud, but LP is neither original or innovative(which is what I assume is the word you were looking for). Trust me, I listen to a lot of music and I've never heard them do anything that hasn't been done many times already. They're just your typical hip-hop/metal fusion band, maybe they're one of the best in that style, but it isn't a style they began. Hey I found an example of LP's originality here:


SOAD's lyrics are not nonsense. but we can agree to disagree. LP is just another top 40 band tweeking there catchy tunes with every album. My gf listens to all that stuff and when its on i always have to ask 'who is this?' Same with breaking benjamins... i dont see the attraction.


Active Member
I can dig Breaking Benjamin. One of the very few modern radio-metal bands I can dig. "Wise men wonder, while strong men die." Great line. Not my typical jams, but I like 'em.
Most people can't comprehend Meshuggah because of the complex nature of their music, but Jens has some seriously intelligent, thought-provoking lyrics. Check out the album Destroy, Erase, Improve if you're not familiar with them. Heavy as can be, but the time signatures, melodies, leads, drums... oh my my. Usually too much for a person to take in one listen the first time around. Thomas Haake is by far leagues ahead of any other drummer in the genre, possibly in music period, arguably. They are what Metallica should have become.
System of A Down is a talented band. Unfortunately they do submit to the typical cookie-cutter songwriting formula. Like his voice or not, Serj is a master vocalist. As talented as an Opera singer. Vocal range for days. Their lyrics seem silly, but when you break them down, it's all very politically charged. One band that does a great job of writing nonsense and yet coming across as masterful musicians was Faith No More. Mike Patton... doesn't get much better than Mike Patton if you ask me. That dude can do it all. That band could do it all, and do it all very well.
Pantera. Nobody in metal will ever be as heavy and yet as successful as they were. Dime had more talent in his drunken pinky than 99.9% of the modern guitarists you hear on the radio. Phil.. another man, like Mike Patton (although not quite as clean) that can do it all, but in a very angry way. Lyrics weren't the most intelligent, but let's face it, anger doens't require intelligence. It requires brutality and sadism. That's what you got.
Weezer. A radio band that actually exhibits great musicianship, and really don't push themselves to the limits they could achieve. Catchy, simple riffing and beats, great melodies... you'd never know that backup guitarist was a Joe Satriani student.
Run DMC and Aerosmith were the pioneers of this Hip-hip/rock crossover, over 20 years ago. Now we've got crap like Fred Durst blowing up the market. The dude can't write an intelligent lyric to save his life, and I've heard trash compactors with more vocal range and tone control. On the other hand, the dude's got some serious BUSINESS savvy. No musical talent, but loads of business smarts, and in the end, that's all that matters when it comes to making money and selling records.


Active Member
Meshuggah- you can't find that many people who have ever even heard of this band, but I agree.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Meshuggah- you can't find that many people who have ever even heard of this band, but I agree.
And they've been together since like 1988. But, they don't write cookie-cutter mainstream friendly music. So most people won't ever hear of them because the label can't get rich off of them.


Active Member
Speaking of Mike Patton, I just listened to Mr. Bungle for the first time in years. I am not a huge fan, but its fun to listen to here and there, but I give him credit for trying to show musically diversity. I swear they try to incorporate every musical instrument into one cd....granted its quite weird and at times uncoherent, but nonetheless.


Active Member
See that incoherent thing is why I couldn't ever dig Tool. They have the bad habit of changing their lyrics around which is weird to say the least and I have been to one of their shows and I am sorry but Maynard was such a whiner. He talked about how he always get sick in Phoenix and he actually cut the show short. It may have been because an overzealous fan threw an entire bottle of Moet onstage for the band. Not really a problem except that the bottle was full and it hit Maynard in the head. I guess that would kind of irritate me too.


Active Member
I listened a bit to Mr. Bungle back in the day. A little too out there for me, but its hard to deny Mike Patten as a real talent.
I'd add Anthrax to that list of crossover pioneers. Attack of the Killer Bee's days Anthrax anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
See that incoherent thing is why I couldn't ever dig Tool. They have the bad habit of changing their lyrics around which is weird to say the least and I have been to one of their shows and I am sorry but Maynard was such a whiner. He talked about how he always get sick in Phoenix and he actually cut the show short. It may have been because an overzealous fan threw an entire bottle of Moet onstage for the band. Not really a problem except that the bottle was full and it hit Maynard in the head. I guess that would kind of irritate me too.
Speaking of Maynard...funny story. So I was at a Perfect Circle show in Lincoln, Ne, and he showed up in a santa suit, granted it was around xmas, but still it was funny. What's even worse.....???.....he started beatin it on stage in the santa suit.
....the drums that is=)