Lion and Anemone??


New Member
I have looked everywhere and I cant find if anemones and lions get along ok or not... my lion is aggressive some times, he killed an eel and a star but sleeps with our maxim clam!!! Funny stuff!! Hes a real doll though, although the loss of the eel and star were sad. I would like to put a florida condi in the 44 gallon tank. Any help would be great! :joy:


Originally Posted by Starr
I have looked everywhere and I cant find if anemones and lions get along ok or not... my lion is aggressive some times, he killed an eel and a star but sleeps with our maxim clam!!! Funny stuff!! Hes a real doll though, although the loss of the eel and star were sad. I would like to put a florida condi in the 44 gallon tank. Any help would be great! :joy:
Well, the lion won't eat it-here's the problem-most likely, the anemone will eat the lion. They're stupid, and swim slow and will most likely get burned. My LFS had a volitan, a radiata, a dwarf, and an antennata at one point in a large tank with a medium sized carpet, it burned and ate each and every one of them.


Lions living with anemones! Whats this world coming too?
Did you plan to keep clownfish as well with the anemone?
If not then why just an anemone and a lionfish?
Whats the overall picture going to be with this tank?
Size, lighting, come on set the stage for me.


New Member
well for now I have a 44 gal. about 15 lbs live rock, hermits, a ultra blue maxim, and a electric flame scallop. The theme is just what I like really. I found the condi and I liked it, tried to do my reasearch on putting it in the tank but couldnt find anything. If it will burn and kill my baby I dont want it anyway. They are just pretty to look at. I do have a question though. I am going to start a 24 gal reef tank. Do you think a blue carpet anemone with a true percula clown would also burn anyother fish I put in?


The florida conylactis has a rather week sting to it, however I could never guarentee nothing would ever happen to your lion fish.
Blue carpet will eat anything it can get its tentacles on.


Originally Posted by Starr
well for now I have a 44 gal. about 15 lbs live rock, hermits, a ultra blue maxim, and a electric flame scallop. The theme is just what I like really. I found the condi and I liked it, tried to do my reasearch on putting it in the tank but couldnt find anything. If it will burn and kill my baby I dont want it anyway. They are just pretty to look at. I do have a question though. I am going to start a 24 gal reef tank. Do you think a blue carpet anemone with a true percula clown would also burn anyother fish I put in?
Yeah, I dont recommend the condy with the lion. As far as the 24 goes, a carpet gets WAAAYYY too big for a 55!! Plus, in order for your bio-load to balance out, any anemone needs at least 29 gallons. Plus, carpets need MH's and are VERY AGGRESSIVE. They can EASILY AND WILL burn and eat fish.