lion scared..ha

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Are you saying this Necrosis is the result of a lionfish sting? If so the lionfish would have to have injected you with either neurotoxins or cytotoxins I believe and I did not know they injected these

teds tank

creepy. but it will not happen a lionfish sting is like a bee sting except a lot more painful. the pain will go away if you put your hands in hot(not boiling) water. if your allergic then i could be worse maby a rah or death.but what are the chances. the worst case senorio of being stung is if part of the spine is in the wound then go to the ER to remove. if its not removed it will get infected and you might die.
i don't think its when you get stung, its if you get stung just be ,careful when your hands are in the tank, know were the lion is and you shouldn't get stung.
if you are intrested in lionfish google"Frank Marini lionfish" it has hepled me so much


I wouldn't worry about the sting. Just be aware of your fish and where he is. If you budget is low wait. He may eat fish you may want to replace and it will increase your bioload being it's another fish and carnivore. If you do get it invest in some long kabob sticks from wally world to put silverside and krill chunks in front of it.


thankfully thats not my finger but from a google search it did say it was from a sting. Also I watched a TV show about venomous fish and a guy got stung by his pet lion fish and said it was the most painful 3 hours of his life, so i would not say not to worry about getting stung.
You can buy long gloves made for fish keeping