Lion Fish not eating (read other post regarding this issue) PLS HELP

Ok got some pictures, how do I post them here. Thks. No extra tank, darn wish I had one that was cycled. What kind of meds do you think I should use. But darn no extra tank. All these yrs never needed one.
oh if a fish could get cataracts I think this fish has them. His eyes are not as black as they where before. You know how lions have their pect. fins in segments, well one of them had a piece missing and the tip looks bent over. This bent over top of that fin looks like it happened between yesterday and today. It wasn't like that yesterday. The missing chunk has been gone for a day. Also one eye has a little white dot, very small, Like a grain of sand, that tiny. Darn if I loose him I have to get another one they are so cool. Will be sad if he passes on. Darn thks for your help he is still swimming around and yawning.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by femmeartist51 http:///t/397202/lion-fish-not-eating-read-other-post-regarding-this-issue-pls-help/20#post_3539729
Ok got some pictures, how do I post them here. Thks. No extra tank, darn wish I had one that was cycled. What kind of meds do you think I should use. But darn no extra tank. All these yrs never needed one.
Go to your profile, scroll down and click on "upload photos". Select "personal" not "community" then click "upload files". Browse for the photos you want to upload. Then click "upload". Once they're in your album, you can link them to here using the "insert image" tab above.
Can't upload photos as it was sent to my email using a cell phone. Darn he is beautiful, wonder what can be wrong with him as he doesn't look sick, just not eating.
Sorry photo was taken with a cell phone. Hope you can see him. He is so pretty thks for your help. Also not sure how one force feed a lion fish, with that bird syringe. He might not like it and stab me one.


Well-Known Member
Beth can probably help with feeding. Also to help with sight problem, I think it would help Beth if she had a close up photo of each eye if thats possible.


Staff member
You can not force feed the fish. The syringe suggestion was to coax him to eat, but if he will not, then there is nothing you can do to force him.

You also can not medicate your display tank.

Try adding additional water circulation with more pumps in tank. Also, do a 5% water change daily over the next few days. Don't disturb or stress the fish to accomplish the water change. Use only saltwater that has been vigorously agitated with a pump for at least 24 hrs. Make sure it is the correct pH.
ok will do. NP. I can take one of the power heads I have and add it to the bucket that I will agitate. As you said for 24 hrs at least. Will add more air to the tank also. I do have a new filter that hangs in the back, of course the power head. I also have a protein skimmer. So I still need more circulation. Can add another power head if u think that would help. Again thks for all your help hate to be a bother


Staff member
Where are your in-tank pumps? If you don't have anything for the bottom area, then add two there.

The pics were not really good enough to tell what kind of condition he is in. Are his eyes unusually cloudy?

Post your current water readings.
Hi what pumps do you suggest for the bottom. My fish where always thriving until I went on a 2 wks vacation. Lost my Majestic Angel, and water was horrible and down to almost half gone, been working on tank for wks now. Thought the rest where ok. They are except the lion. He looks good. His eyes look like he has a cataract I think he does see somewhat, cause when I used the tick with piece of silver sides on it, he moved away and I didn't even touch him with stick. He did open his mouth wide a few times when I tried to feed him. His eyes aren't that cloudy, just not as dark as before. His blackness in his stomach area is gone now. Maybe he was constipated, seriously it is not as dark, so he might have passed what was in there.

In tank, I have the power head to circulate the water, make waves. Have a protein skimmer and the hang on back bio wheel filter. Have a sand bottom with live rock. I had put a piece of coral that I got from pet store. Took that out, caused water to get somewhat cloudy, even though I rinsed it well.

A few days ago, I did a 1/3rd water change, because of very very hi nitrites. I believe the nitrites went so high because my filter was broken when I got home. Now who kills a filter lol. My tomato clowns are doing ok and the yellow tang is ok. Wonder why lion is only one affected. Of course the death of my Angel was horrible, great fish.

Just was watching the lion, looking at his eyes. H just did what I would call a big yawn. Do fish yawn?? Will post findings of water perim. Thks will get back in a few with that info


Staff member
I would recommend following my advise above since you can't place the lionfish in a quarantine tank. Improve circulation and do 5% water changes. Try to offer him chopped up food with a bird syringe, but don't aggravate him about eating.

Obviously the extended vacation and equipment failure has had its tool. Did you not have someone taking care of your fish and tank for the 2 wks you were on vacation? If not, then all I can say is that you can not leave a fish tank unattended and fish unfed for 2 weeks without serious ramifications.


If the lion has been eating daily, first of all that's WAY too much to be feeding it. Lionfishes are binge/fast predators, and have very slow metabolisms. If too much food is offered, it can kill them, as they can become impacted, or in some cases, the food can actually begin to decompose in their GI tract, which generally kills them. A healthy lionfish can go a month without eating before it begins to loose a lot of muscle mass, so i wouldn't worry about feeding it.

Also, sticking food right in its face isn't a good method of target feeding it (try putting your hand on your nose and see how well you can see it). BTW, lions don't hunt by's all vision and motion. The best way to feed it is to use a "stealth stick" and let the fish see the food from a distance, and "tease" it by moving the food towards them and away from them.

Krill in any form isn't healthy for the fish when used exclusively, and freeze-dried krill tends to get fishes "hooked" on it (in some circles, it's known as "fish crack"). This makes it hard to get the fish eating anything else. Additionally, a diet high in krill in any form has been linked to lockjaw in predatory species. We believe that this is due to the inordinate amount of fluoride in the shell, coupled with the lack of vitamins B1 and C, which can result in mandibular deformation as the fish grows.

The lion might be flaring its gills at its tankmates, but it also might have gill flukes or ******. Until you figure this out, I'd increase the aeration in the tank with an airline or by adjusting the surface turbulence using a powerhead.

You said the lion's eyes aren't "popped", but are they cloudy?

What species of lion do you have?

How long have you had it?

What temp are you running?

Has the fish shed its cuticle recently, or has it been shedding a lot?

Have you made any changes to the system recently (new fish, equipment, etc)?

Most importantly post a few good photos of the lionfish. Experienced eyes might see something you're missing.
Hi had a friend watch my tank and all this has happened after I came back. I had explained water was way down in the tank, of course salt then went sky hi. So got that all adjusted,

New bio wheel filter on the back,.
Lion fish got fed all the time, when I was gone with krill and when I got back a friend was feeding it. Alot, I told him to stop but when I would get home the krill was floating in the tank. So the lion must not b hungry cause of all the food he got.

I will in a week try again to entice him to eat. Also every time I went by the tank one of my heaters where turned off. Got two new ones. My water went down to 60. Why it was unplugged I don't know, maybe they where trying to kill my fish.

Eyes are not cloudy, look like he has a blue eyelid. Do fish have eyelids?? He is a volitan. Got two new heaters so temp should increase again. Usually in the green area of the thermometer.

Don't know about cuticle what is it on a fish.

No new changes at all, just put in a new filter, after he decided on his hunger strike


Well-Known Member
After spending all this money on this lion, which is a beautiful fish by the way, invest $15 and get a digital thermometer. Much more accurate readings than the glass floating or tape ones.


Well-Known Member
Nope. You can buy then at any pet store that sells fish. Small black digital readout box that's battery powered and has a 3ft cord with a probe at the other end that goes in your tank with a suction cup. Put it at the opposite end of the tank from the heater which should be at the bottom at the other end.

I probe I
I heater I
I_______________________ I

Sorry. That's the best I can do with graphics. lol