Hey fishy411, am i wasting my money to invest in a lion fish? My stock includes undulated trigger, dogface puffer,pori
puffer, snowflake eel, a red grouper, blue velvet damsel and a
yellow back damsel.....the funny thing about my 75 gal is they all get along....except feeding time everyone as to fan for themself........pls replied...thanks
still a pretty good chance of it nipping yur lion. I would go with a Niger, Pinktail, or bluethroat trigger. They are the least aggressive species. Even with one of these u would sitll have to get rid of yur puffers to keep a lion.
How often do you guys do a water change?? my 75 gal has been up about 2 yrs i have no problem with my nitrite but nitrate seen to been the problem, it is always a little on the high side though with about 80lbs of live rocks and a good wet/dry system everything would be cool......
Originally posted by fishy411
still a pretty good chance of it nipping yur lion. I would go with a Niger, Pinktail, or bluethroat trigger. They are the least aggressive species. Even with one of these u would sitll have to get rid of yur puffers to keep a lion.
I have to agree, B. undulatus is one of the most aggressive triggers available.
if you have refugium put some chaetomorpha in there. It's a macor algae that feeds of nitrates and doesn't put anything back in the water that can be a problem like some macro does.