lions and puffers



Originally posted by ams153
hey everyone i want to see pics of the antennata lion or any other lions and the saddle valentini pufferor any other puffers these are the fish i plan on getting for my 30g maybe not tottally sure yet gottaa think bout it.

wow i think ive only seen one picture. way to stick to the topic guys


Active Member

Originally posted by fishy411
wow i think ive only seen one picture. way to stick to the topic guys

Hm, that seems awfully hypocritical of you. Were you not the one who actually made the statement "i just wanted to pass the info along so u didnt make a bad choice". You actually BEGUN the off topic discussion of the compatibility of the two fish, yet you have the nerve to turn around and criticize those who interacted and gave more factually correct information. How would you know that keeping the two fish is a 'bad choice'? By what you said, it does not seem like you have ever kept a lion with a valentini, so I guess you really would not know for sure, would you? You may have heard that this was not always a compatible duo, but to say that it is a bad choice is totally erroneous. I have had the two together, and I never have encountered a problem. Thus, I know first-hand that it is not a bad choice.
This is often the problem when people post things to "help" others. They only post half-answers. By what you said, your information is wrong. However, with the single addition of "possibly incompatible" to "i just wanted to pass the info along so u didnt make a possbly incompatible choice", your information to ams153 would have been a lot more accurate.
On top of giving wrong information, you criticized people for not posting pictures when you didn't have any pictures to post yourself. Yet, you still made a comment about his request, even though you didn't have any pictures. Why are you allowed to do so, but no one else is not? Your comment is the type of thing that makes message boards a sometimes unenjoyable place to visit.
Why was your comment neccessary? ams153 was helped by everyone because by the information he received, he was persuaded not to unite the two fish together in his tank. That was the entire point of this post. That is what the point of this message board is. To help advise people on what is best for their tank. He may have asked for pictures, but he was only asking for pictures because some time in the future, he was planning on adding this duo to his tank. However, after finding out the info he did, he no longer cared about the pictures because he knew that these two fish would not work for him. That is the point. To help the person who posts a question, not to criticize those who also attempt to give information. No one criticized you for giving your information, even though you did not have any pictures. Why do you have the right to criticize anyone else?
If I were you, I would not reply to this. Just learn your lesson and move on. You will only further the argument, and I will not proceed to do that. I made my point, and I made my point to hope to make this message board a better place, by ridding the boards of comments such as yours. Without comments such as yours, everyone would be a lot more friendly, and post count would probably go up because they would not be worried about getting flamed by people like you,


yur right i havent ever kept a lion and puffer together bcuz i posted it here and was told that most of the time the puffer would rip the liond fins apart and i dint feel like wasting money



Originally posted by CGPuffers
First Off, LionTamer YOU ARE WRONG, Second Of All I Would Never Put A Valentini With Any Fish That Small! They Are Well Known Killers And Just As Well Know As Being Nippers Of Not Jut Fins.:yes:

just from reading this i thought that its not a gud idea to keep these species together. u must be doing a great job if u r


Well I hope these pictures show up I dont know if I did it right. I cant find any with them in the same shots, but you can look at the rock and the background. My lionfish, and puffer (Valentini) are in the same tank. They leave eachother alone. Hopefully this will prove it to you that they can be together so you dont have to listen to everyone arguing about stuff they dont know.


Just give it time. Also, yer baby volitan will outgorw yer tank in a few months. I had a 55 gallon, which doesnt really have much more psace than yers probably does. Heres how he started 5 months ago in the 55...


And this is him now. Also, how long have these fish been together? Not long id presume cuz yer volitan is very small. I hope that u get lucky and it doesnt kill yer lion. Persoanlly, i got totally lost on this thread. I dont know where it went to.