Lipstick on a pig is still a pig


Active Member
I really don't think he was calling Palin a pig. Maybe as much as McCain was when he made the same comments a few months back about Hillary


Active Member
I think it was directed at Palin based on the snickering and stuff but hey, she's a big girl, she can take it. Let Obama be the one to keep crying racism every time someone criticizes him. Save the outrages for the nasty stuff. At the moment they are trying to attack Palins religious beliefs. Not some crack head pastor mind you, her denomination. Let the good times roll.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
You obviously didn't listen to the whole clip....
No there was some pastor around the time that obama's god ____ america "pastor" was running around, who was a hilary supporter I think it is the same guy but can't remember for sure. He was bashing Obama's pastor for the stupid stuff he said.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
No there was some pastor around the time that obama's god ____ america "pastor" was running around, who was a hilary supporter I think it is the same guy but can't remember for sure. He was bashing Obama's pastor for the stupid stuff he said.
Yeah, I remember what you are talking about now. I didn't associate the two pastors. This could be the same guy, but I think this one is mainly Pro-McCain/Palin. In any event, he makes no bones about his feelings toward Obama....and his 'Mama'.


Active Member
typical Obama , they attack his political performance and he attacks a woman.(personally) all things considered , his comment is appropriate in comparison with this political knowledge.

darthtang aw

Active Member
His comment was directed towrds government and policies. Not at an individual. I have heard this comment used in the passed to equate something as ugly and dressing it up still makes it ugly. You guys know I do not support Obama, but some media outlets are making this a big del when it isn't and wasn't meant as a personal attack.


Well-Known Member
This phrase is a very old line that was used when I was a kid to describe dressing up something to look better than it actually is - which is the thrust of Obama's response to Mc's "Change" rhetoric. Whether you accept the premise or not, it isn't a personal attack, although if you are very sensitive I could see how you could take it that way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
This phrase is a very old line that was used when I was a kid to describe dressing up something to look better than it actually is - which is the thrust of Obama's response to Mc's "Change" rhetoric. Whether you accept the premise or not, it isn't a personal attack, although if you are very sensitive I could see how you could take it that way.
This is the key, there is no way the obama camp didn't realise while writing obama's script for that appearance, the implications that would be perceived from that statement. And yet obama still said it. And if they didn't their intelligence should be seriously questioned. And by them knowingly still staying something like that is a personal attack.


Active Member
I can't decide if Obus really threw that in at Palin, his delivery seems a little suspect the more I see it and it was a campaign talking point for some of his surrogates. . It's possible his pause was an "Oh crap, I shouldn't do this" moment but he was kinda committed at that point. There is no doubt how those in attendance took it
But isn't Karma a cool thing. Remember back to how the Obama campaign skewered Bill Clinton with the racist label every time he opened his mouth during the primary?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I can't decide if Obus really threw that in at Palin, his delivery seems a little suspect the more I see it and it was a campaign talking point for some of his surrogates. . It's possible his pause was an "Oh crap, I shouldn't do this" moment but he was kinda committed at that point. There is no doubt how those in attendance took it
But isn't Karma a cool thing. Remember back to how the Obama campaign skewered Bill Clinton with the racist label every time he opened his mouth during the primary?
See when I see this I think it was cold and calculating, they wrapped it up with some other statement and another comparison comparing McCain to an 8 year old dead fish. But stuff does have 2 meanings. And I think listening to the crowd there was little doubt what they thought he meant.