Lipstick on a pig is still a pig


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
the facts on Palin - took 27 million in ear marks to build a sports complex in the middle of nowhere for a town of NINE THOUSAND and RAISED TAXES TO DO SO! voted NO to build a new library or city hall. endorsed the bridge to nowhere. a 300 MILLION dolllar bridge to a town of 50 who already had a perfectly managable ferry system.
Palin voted yes to hunt wolves from low flying planes. Voted no to add polar bears and beluga whales to the federal endangered species list. tried to remove books from the local library. attended a pentacostal church where they speak in tongues. promoted abstinence program over protection. is 100% against stem cell research. she is already making threats to Russia and said if Israel bombs Iran they should not be second guessed.
if we are adding these ideals to the current GOP politics then it is change. change for the worst!
the facts are she wasnt McInsanes 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice. and McCain wasn't any of your 1st or 2nd choice. so you Republicans got your 3rd choice as President and litterally a "NOBODY" as your veep. the strategy is cover her up, make her a victim, lay doubt on Barack and steal another election. i listen to conservative talk radio ALL DAY! it's pathetic and come Sept 26th. the first debate. your gonna be exposed!

You're talking about people lying when you list lies as your "facts"?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
your KIDDING right? a PERSONAL attack? it was word play, nothing more. McCain has used the phrase several times and his own daughter said its one of his favorites. thats easily proven. Barack was "playing the game" that your party started.
your attacks have been outright lies! Obama is responsible for the high gas price. Obama wants to raise taxes on the middle class. Obama wants to teach your kids about --- instead of reading! it's desperate and PATHETIC! your party attacked Hillary with sexist remarks when she cried. remember? but when we question Palin you scream sexism! your a bunch of desperate fools and cant admit that your party left this country FUBAR!
the facts are that MOST of you didnt even want McInsane! and the Palin choice SHOCKED you. your entire campaign is slam Barack and create doubt. lies, half truths, and propanda fuel your weak and DESPERATE attempt to avoid the issues. you hope you can slander Barack enough to convince people that even though its bad. admittedly. Obama can

thing up even worse! that your entire platform!
the facts on Palin - took 27 million in ear marks to build a sports complex in the middle of nowhere for a town of NINE THOUSAND and RAISED TAXES TO DO SO! voted NO to build a new library or city hall. endorsed the bridge to nowhere. a 300 MILLION dolllar bridge to a town of 50 who already had a perfectly managable ferry system.
Palin voted yes to hunt wolves from low flying planes. Voted no to add polar bears and beluga whales to the federal endangered species list. tried to remove books from the local library. attended a pentacostal church where they speak in tongues. promoted abstinence program over protection. is 100% against stem cell research. she is already making threats to Russia and said if Israel bombs Iran they should not be second guessed.
if we are adding these ideals to the current GOP politics then it is change. change for the worst!
the facts are she wasnt McInsanes 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice. and McCain wasn't any of your 1st or 2nd choice. so you Republicans got your 3rd choice as President and litterally a "NOBODY" as your veep. the strategy is cover her up, make her a victim, lay doubt on Barack and steal another election. i listen to conservative talk radio ALL DAY! it's pathetic and come Sept 26th. the first debate. your gonna be exposed!

You need to check your stories and stop believeing emails.
Here are the facts about your comments.
this is the equivalent of snopes for politics.
Read it and stop spreading lies, If you want to engage in the debate atleast post something factual about the person you are against.
I can post just as many email stories saying Obama is a terrorist, a muslim and so on....but most of us try to use you even research anything or base your responses off random emails you read that were hand delivered to you?
You can't even get the cost of the bridge correct......or the facts straight on that much publicized story....


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Thanks, I needed that.
Were you the kinda guy who tore the wings off flies and picked on the little kids cause it made you feel special?

I can't speak for the Journeyman but I will hang into a debate as long as it takes to either be shown wrong or until the other side stops with the false information.

Apparently I was right about the comment of you being picked on as a kid, based on your bully response.

Why don't you and Journeyman quit using these Pro-Republican blogs to drag up all this dirt on Obama? Like Oceansidefish said, talk about issues. It's a waste of trime at this stage of the contest to continue with the SUPPOSED claims of "He said this, he wants to do that". Now we have Darth bringing up some stupid claim of Obama slamming McCain for not being able to use a computer because of his limited mobility? (Or whatever ridiculous cllaim it is.) What exactly does that have to do with his issues and abilty to run this country? Oh yeah, that's right, his credibility and character as a person.
Show me a politician today that has ANY moral character and maintains a constant credibility with their constituents. It's all about money and power.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Sounds like your concerned about what the candidates are saying....
Very typical Democrat response.
I think it's safe to say that nobody gets in an argument/debate hoping to lose. Then ya'll jump into insulting only because you can't think of anything better to say and it frustrates you. It frustrates you because deep down you know your wrong, but you just can't admit to it.
So by your admission...Obama will say whatever it takes to win. Then what? What happens when he wins and all the stuff he told you that you love him for ends up false.
I tend to appreciate a candidate who tells the truth from the start.
So only Democrats start insulting their opponent when they're proved they're wrong?
You need to read more posts around here from the Republican Guard. Reefraff is a prime example. I'm frustrated because I'm wrong? Only in your eyes. It's laughable how fast the Reps here can come up with so many quotes and responses about Obama. Journey probably has some special Republican blog that just keeps them stored up, and trains the Republican minions how to search them for that right retort when they argue with an Obama supporter.

So everything that McCain spouts is completely truthful? He's going to follow through with everyone of his campaign promises and get every single promise passed into law with a Democratic-led Congress? He's never fabricated any comment he's made, or story he's told? Come on, you can't be that naive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dogfaceman
why should religion matter? your not supposed to have your views based on religion!!! I really respect how Obama has said that he doesn't take his faith into office, and no one can say that McCain is a true christian because hes not, i don't think cheating on your wife is very christian

True religion affects every aspect of your life. Of course it matters. It opens a window into how a person thinks and will make decisions.
In Obama's case, we have the hate-filled, apparent-adultress and racist "Rev" Wright who supports radicals like Hamas....


Staff member
This topic is starting to become little more than a place for some members to sling mud at each other just because they differ in their party/political so many other topics like this one at SWF. Its gone south fast.
Its way off the topic now in term of the lipstick issue, and, therefore, I think its time to close.


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
your KIDDING right? a PERSONAL attack? it was word play, nothing more. McCain has used the phrase several times and his own daughter said its one of his favorites. thats easily proven. Barack was "playing the game" that your party started.
your attacks have been outright lies! Obama is responsible for the high gas price. Obama wants to raise taxes on the middle class. Obama wants to teach your kids about --- instead of reading! it's desperate and PATHETIC! your party attacked Hillary with sexist remarks when she cried. remember? but when we question Palin you scream sexism! your a bunch of desperate fools and cant admit that your party left this country FUBAR!
the facts are that MOST of you didnt even want McInsane! and the Palin choice SHOCKED you. your entire campaign is slam Barack and create doubt. lies, half truths, and propanda fuel your weak and DESPERATE attempt to avoid the issues. you hope you can slander Barack enough to convince people that even though its bad. admittedly. Obama can

thing up even worse! that your entire platform!
the facts on Palin - took 27 million in ear marks to build a sports complex in the middle of nowhere for a town of NINE THOUSAND and RAISED TAXES TO DO SO! voted NO to build a new library or city hall. endorsed the bridge to nowhere. a 300 MILLION dolllar bridge to a town of 50 who already had a perfectly managable ferry system.
Palin voted yes to hunt wolves from low flying planes. Voted no to add polar bears and beluga whales to the federal endangered species list. tried to remove books from the local library. attended a pentacostal church where they speak in tongues. promoted abstinence program over protection. is 100% against stem cell research. she is already making threats to Russia and said if Israel bombs Iran they should not be second guessed.
if we are adding these ideals to the current GOP politics then it is change. change for the worst!
the facts are she wasnt McInsanes 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice. and McCain wasn't any of your 1st or 2nd choice. so you Republicans got your 3rd choice as President and litterally a "NOBODY" as your veep. the strategy is cover her up, make her a victim, lay doubt on Barack and steal another election. i listen to conservative talk radio ALL DAY! it's pathetic and come Sept 26th. the first debate. your gonna be exposed!
Vinny, why did the crowd react the way they did to Obama's remark about lipstick?
Feel free to quote any "lie" you wish to debate. I'll back every statement I've made up. Will you do the same?
My platform is the Constitution of the United States...
I'm curious how a Mayor and Governor votes "yes" or "no".... please explain the Legislative process in Alaska as it clearly is different than every State I'm aware of.
I relish the debates. Obama got schooled in the Saddleback debate, and Biden this week told a wheelchair bound man to stand up and wave... Should be a lot of fun.