Lipstick on a pig is still a pig

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by squirt0511
first of all i like who mccain is focusing on what the rock said instead of real issues... what a joke. McCain is so old he will probably die before the term is up and Piglan would be the Prez... Anyway. Has anyone noticed that Obama sounds just like the Rock. Im just waiting to here him say...IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLL WHAT BARACK IS COOKING!!!!!

Now I have seen it all.....a wwe
Ok, just remember the people's champ became the corporate champ as't believe wrestling has been equated in this now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by squirt0511
first of all i like who mccain is focusing on what the rock said instead of real issues... what a joke. McCain is so old he will probably die before the term is up and Piglan would be the Prez... Anyway. Has anyone noticed that Obama sounds just like the Rock. Im just waiting to here him say...IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLL WHAT BARACK IS COOKING!!!!!

Obama, when he starts trying to use his folksy tone of voice sounds like Benson to me (Butler from Soap)


Guess Who?
Can you guess who I am?
I am not yet 45 years old but already I have taken the nation by storm.
I am known for my avid love of the outdoors.
I hunt, fish, hike, and camp whenever I possibly can.
I have made my mark in politics as an unlikely Republican reformer.
Of course, I have had to take on the Republican Party establishment.
Not that the Democrats are too fond of me either.
I have a large, happy, but rather rambunctious family.
I have been governor of my large northern state for less than two years.
Nevertheless, I was the surprise pick to be the vice presidential candidate in a crucial national election.
Have you ever heard of me?
Surely you have.
I am Teddy Roosevelt.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
. Why would it? But now obama is busy reeling protecting himself instead of getting his message across. Whatever that might be.

Well Said!!!!
Obama's message is change, he keeps begging for change so if I ever see him on the streets i will give him whatever change I have in my pocket


Active Member
Originally Posted by BigG
Guess Who?
Can you guess who I am?
I am not yet 45 years old but already I have taken the nation by storm.
I am known for my avid love of the outdoors.
I hunt, fish, hike, and camp whenever I possibly can.
I have made my mark in politics as an unlikely Republican reformer.
Of course, I have had to take on the Republican Party establishment.
Not that the Democrats are too fond of me either.
I have a large, happy, but rather rambunctious family.
I have been governor of my large northern state for less than two years.
Nevertheless, I was the surprise pick to be the vice presidential candidate in a crucial national election.
Have you ever heard of me?
Surely you have.
I am Teddy Roosevelt.

Interesting, a Roosevelt - Palin comparison.... I can imagine the response..
"I knew Teddy Roosevelt.. Teddy Roosevelt was a friend of mine... and believe me, you are no Teddy Roosevelt..."


Active Member
Originally Posted by cyclops
Well Said!!!!
Obama's message is change, he keeps begging for change so if I ever see him on the streets i will give him whatever change I have in my pocket

No need. He'll take your change in the form of new taxes to support his hopes.


Staff member
I think that McCain's lipstick comments was not personally referring to Hillary, but considering political correctness, and that she was the first viable female presidential candidate in the running, he could have used better judgment and not made that comment in the same breath as Hillary. There is the possibility that someone from his campaign told him to throw the phrase in if the opportunity came up.
I'm sure one of of Obama's speech writers prompted him to find the opportunity to throw in that comment which ties in nicely with McCain's comments, coming on the heals of Palin's lipstick comment. It takes the focus off of Palin's ground-breaking speech, and makes the whole lipstick thing a big joke.
There is sexism going around on both sides of the aisle. You can bet that if this election was the run of mill white guy candidate election, S. Palin would not be on anyone's ticket.


Staff member
As for resumes, here is generally their resumes. I'm not an Obama fan, but the community org put-down is really not exactly fair. Being younger (and not having 3 decades of political life under your belt) should not equate to being incompetent for either Obama or Palin.Barack Obama
Graduated from Columbia U and Harvard Law School, serving as the president of the Harvard Law Review.
Worked as a community organizer.
Practiced as a civil rights attorney
Served Illinois State Senate 97-04
Taught US Constitutional Law, University of Chicago Law School 1992-2004
US Senator since 2004
Authored 2 books
John McCain

Graduate US Naval Academy 1958 and retired from the Navy in 1981.
1982 elected to the US House of Reps, serving 2 terms
1986 elected to the US Senate
Sarah Palin

BS from the U of Idaho
Worked as a sports reporter for a TV station/Alaska
Served 2 terms City Council, Wasilla, Alaska
Served 2 terms as mayor, Wasilla, Alaska
2006 elected Governor of Alaska
Joe Biden

Received a law degree from Syracuse University College of Law
He has practiced law
Served as a councilman Newcastle County, Delaware
1972 elected to the US Senate


Active Member

Originally Posted by Beth
As for resumes, here is generally their resumes. I'm not an Obama fan, but the community org put-down is really not exactly fair. Being younger (and not having 3 decades of political life under your belt) should not equate to being incompetent for either Obama or Palin.
Barack Obama

Graduated from Columbia U and Harvard Law School, serving as the president of the Harvard Law Review.
Worked as a community organizer.
Practiced as a civil rights attorney
Served Illinois State Senate 97-04
Taught US Constitutional Law, University of Chicago Law School 1992-2004
US Senator since 2004
Authored 2 books
John McCain

Graduate US Naval Academy 1958 and retired from the Navy in 1981.
1982 elected to the US House of Reps, serving 2 terms
1986 elected to the US Senate


Active Member
Sounds like Palin is already learning how to be a Bush/McCain clone. Now she thinks that NATO should get involved with the Russia/Georgia flack, and possibly have the US put sanctions against Russia and intervene for Georgia. Not even in office yet, and she wants to start another Cold War or WWIII. Way to go Lipstick Girl!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Sounds like Palin is already learning how to be a Bush/McCain clone. Now she thinks that NATO should get involved with the Russia/Georgia flack, and possibly have the US put sanctions against Russia and intervene for Georgia. Not even in office yet, and she wants to start another Cold War or WWIII. Way to go Lipstick Girl!!
Don't you mean Bush/McCain/Obama clone? They all favor admitting those countries into NATO and as such we are bound by treaty to aid in their defense. Do you think we should just let Russia trash Georgia and not place sanctions on them?


We talked about this in government today
The statement is not an attack on Palin it is saying that redoing a old law and changing it is still a old bad law. That is what Obama meant
(Also I am for McCain and Palin)


Active Member

Originally Posted by bionicarm
Sounds like Palin is already learning how to be a Bush/McCain clone. Now she thinks that NATO should get involved with the Russia/Georgia flack, and possibly have the US put sanctions against Russia and intervene for Georgia. Not even in office yet, and she wants to start another Cold War or WWIII. Way to go Lipstick Girl!!
You might want to know where your candidate stands on a position...
Obama, March 3rd, 2008: "Whether Ukraine and Georgia ultimately join NATO will be a decision for the members of the alliance and the citizens of those countries, after a period of open and democratic debate. But they should receive our help and encouragement as they continue to develop ties to Atlantic and European institutions
Obama, August 2008 "I have consistently called for deepening relations between Georgia and transatlantic institutions, including a Membership Action Plan for NATO, and we must continue to press for that deeper relationship..
Seriously, you guys need to know what your candidate stands for.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You might want to know where your candidate stands on a position...
Obama, March 3rd, 2008: "Whether Ukraine and Georgia ultimately join NATO will be a decision for the members of the alliance and the citizens of those countries, after a period of open and democratic debate. But they should receive our help and encouragement as they continue to develop ties to Atlantic and European institutions
Obama, August 2008 "I have consistently called for deepening relations between Georgia and transatlantic institutions, including a Membership Action Plan for NATO, and we must continue to press for that deeper relationship..
Seriously, you guys need to know what your candidate stands for.
He stands for everything good.....


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You might want to know where your candidate stands on a position...
Obama, March 3rd, 2008: "Whether Ukraine and Georgia ultimately join NATO will be a decision for the members of the alliance and the citizens of those countries, after a period of open and democratic debate. But they should receive our help and encouragement as they continue to develop ties to Atlantic and European institutions
Obama, August 2008 "I have consistently called for deepening relations between Georgia and transatlantic institutions, including a Membership Action Plan for NATO, and we must continue to press for that deeper relationship..
Seriously, you guys need to know what your candidate stands for.

I have no problem with Georgia and the Ukraine joining NATO. I just don't wanna go in and tick off Russia AGAIN by pressuring them to back off by using the sanctions card. Putin is just about ready to pull the trigger anyway, after we stuck more missles right outside his borders.
I watched the Charlie Gibson/Palin interview last night. He asked her about foreign relations, and our future in the Middle East. As she was responding, if I closed my eyes, I could swear I was hearing 'W' talking about his "Surge in Iraq", "Continuing our War On Terror in Afghanistan", "Dealing with the Nooclear Crisis in Iran", blah, blah, blah. He also asked her several times if we should now go into Pakistan without the approval of their government looking for supposed terrorists. She kept avoiding that question, sidestepping it with other Bushisms. Ironically, I read in the paper yesterday that Bush is already sending Special Forces into Pakistan without their government's approval, so I guess her response is moot point. What was ever scarier, is she also sounded just like Journeyman! I then had this vision of Journeyman in a dress.

But that's OK, based on Palin's beliefs, "It's God's Will for the US to succeed in the fight on terrorism". So hey, the US now has the Supreme Being on its side. Better watch out World, the Big Guy's gonna wipe you off the face of the planet if you diss Uncle Sam.


Active Member
Bionicarm, re-read Obama's comments.... You telling me what she said is more offensive to the Soviets than what Obama said?
We're not sticking "missiles" on Russia's borders; unless you consider the missile defense shield an offensive weapon.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States must be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan "If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will
..." Obama, July, 2007
Seems to me Obama is on the same page as the RNC when it comes to Pakistan, Georgia and the Ukraine. Have President Bush's powers become so great he is now producing clones in the DNC?