Lipstick on a pig is still a pig


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Bionicarm, re-read Obama's comments.... You telling me what she said is more offensive to the Soviets than what Obama said?
We're not sticking "missiles" on Russia's borders; unless you consider the missile defense shield an offensive weapon.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States must be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan "If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will
..." Obama, July, 2007
Seems to me Obama is on the same page as the RNC when it comes to Pakistan, Georgia and the Ukraine. Have President Bush's powers become so great he is now producing clones in the DNC?
Actually it really doesn't matter what the candidates are saying. It's called politics. Say whatever you need to say to get the most votes. Obama, Biden, McCain, Palin -- they'll spout whatever they need to to get the votes it takes to win the election. All they are are promises. There's no guarantee either one of them will be able to enact 10% of what they promise on the campaign trail. With all the crap I've read over the last couple of months, we're in a lose-lose situation with either one of them in office. You want to straighten this country out? You want to get rid of pork barrel spendiing? Two words - TERM LIMITS. Set term limitations for all the professional politicians that are in the House and Senate. They're the one's making the actual 'tough decisions'. The president can promise all he wants, but if Congress doesn't put any of his proposals in a bill and get them passed, his promises are useless. I'm sick of seeing these Senators and Congressman that have been in office 20-30 years, staying there because the people in their districts pick them just because they recognize their names on a ballot. That, or they bring millions of our tax dollars to their state for pet projects that don't benefit the entire country. Let Senators have a maximum four 2-year terms, and the Congressmen two 4-year terms. Eight years is plenty of time to get anything they want for this country or their district to get passed. Weed out these corrupt politicians, or the old geezer's like Strom Thurmond was, who had to be wheeled in and have someone tell him what to vote on. Do that, and I'll vote any president you want in.
If McCain does happen to win this election, you better hope the Republicans can get the majority in the House or Senate, or he'll be a Lame Duck president his first year in office. The Democrats will still be steaming for losing to the guy, and they won't even look at any of his proposals the first year just to spite him. Is that right? Of course not. But it's called Party Politics. You can see how evident that is just by reading the left and right wing comments on this forum.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SrgVigil
We talked about this in government today
The statement is not an attack on Palin it is saying that redoing a old law and changing it is still a old bad law. That is what Obama meant
(Also I am for McCain and Palin)
The problem is whether or not he directed the comment at Palin, given the unfair attacks against her and the lipstick comment she made during her speech it was a stupid line for Obama to use. Obama himself labeled Bill Clinton's line that Obamas Iraq plan was a fairy tail racist. Is it really a stretch that he should expect those same tactics to be used on him


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Actually it really doesn't matter what the candidates are saying. It's called politics. Say whatever you need to say to get the most votes. Obama, Biden, McCain, Palin -- they'll spout whatever they need to to get the votes it takes to win the election. All they are are promises. There's no guarantee either one of them will be able to enact 10% of what they promise on the campaign trail. With all the crap I've read over the last couple of months, we're in a lose-lose situation with either one of them in office. You want to straighten this country out? You want to get rid of pork barrel spendiing? Two words - TERM LIMITS. Set term limitations for all the professional politicians that are in the House and Senate. They're the one's making the actual 'tough decisions'. The president can promise all he wants, but if Congress doesn't put any of his proposals in a bill and get them passed, his promises are useless. I'm sick of seeing these Senators and Congressman that have been in office 20-30 years, staying there because the people in their districts pick them just because they recognize their names on a ballot. That, or they bring millions of our tax dollars to their state for pet projects that don't benefit the entire country. Let Senators have a maximum four 2-year terms, and the Congressmen two 4-year terms. Eight years is plenty of time to get anything they want for this country or their district to get passed. Weed out these corrupt politicians, or the old geezer's like Strom Thurmond was, who had to be wheeled in and have someone tell him what to vote on. Do that, and I'll vote any president you want in.
If McCain does happen to win this election, you better hope the Republicans can get the majority in the House or Senate, or he'll be a Lame Duck president his first year in office. The Democrats will still be steaming for losing to the guy, and they won't even look at any of his proposals the first year just to spite him. Is that right? Of course not. But it's called Party Politics. You can see how evident that is just by reading the left and right wing comments on this forum.

So when you lose the argument suddenly what the candidates say don't matter. Thanks, I needed a good laugh.
You got one thing right, Pelosi and Reid are the kind of people who would block any legislation coming from the other side, no matter how good it was just because they are mad that they lost the election again.


Active Member
All this, "He said this." and "but he said it first." stuff just sounds like the pot calling the kettle black!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff

So when you lose the argument suddenly what the candidates say don't matter. Thanks, I needed a good laugh.
You got one thing right, Pelosi and Reid are the kind of people who would block any legislation coming from the other side, no matter how good it was just because they are mad that they lost the election again.
What is with you and journeyman who have this strange desire to try and win any argument you get into? Were you beat up in school, or always the kid that was picked on, so you have to have this "I'm better than you, and I can prove it" attitude? Grow up son. You may think I lost, but based on my opinions, I think he lost the argument. All these little quotes and comments you seem to be able to dig up mean nothing in the long run. Like I said, these candidates will say or do anything to get the voters to swing their way. If Obama thinks he can get more votes by saying "Stay the course. Invade Pakistan. Put sanctions on Russia.", that's what he'll say. If McCain wants to say, "Reduce federal spending. Raise taxes for the rich. Do away with abortions", and it gets him the swing votes he wants, he'll say it. The big question will be whether they'll actually follow through with all their shallow promises. I'm willing to bet neither will get 5% of their campaign promises passed while in office.
When it comes to poltical debates, there's never any real winner's or loser's. Whichever one of these idiots is chosen to run this country, it's going to affect us all the same way. You pick youre poison, and the person you think will do a better job. If he wins, I hope your right, and he does do what he claims he can do and makes it better for all of us.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You might want to know where your candidate stands on a position...
Obama, March 3rd, 2008: "Whether Ukraine and Georgia ultimately join NATO will be a decision for the members of the alliance and the citizens of those countries, after a period of open and democratic debate. But they should receive our help and encouragement as they continue to develop ties to Atlantic and European institutions
Obama, August 2008 "I have consistently called for deepening relations between Georgia and transatlantic institutions, including a Membership Action Plan for NATO, and we must continue to press for that deeper relationship..
Seriously, you guys need to know what your candidate stands for.
I agree with Mr. Obama here


Active Member
Personally I am an independent and vote that way...There are things I like and dislike about both parties. I am TIRED however of all the crap from both sides and want someone for once to really get into the issues. There is alot going wrong in this country and someone needs to stand up and take responsibility and fix things. My 401K is in the tank, my taxes are going to be going up since I live in CA, I am tired of my rights being taken away and I am tired of wastefull government overspending. I want to hear about the issues. Not about misused old phrases, or who may have possibly could have maybe been implying something while talking about something else. I want a debate with real questions and real answers. I am afraid however that is just too much to ask.
What I don't like about R ticket:
- My husband is a disabled vet, McCain kept voting against VA bills
- Pallin HATES gays, my uncles are gay one has cancer
- I can't see anything that is going change whats going on now
- I think McCain is going to die and Rove will rule country in one way or another
What I don't like about D ticket:
- Inexperience
- Overhyped
- Voted to approve Fisa bill
- worried about spending


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Sounds like Palin is already learning how to be a Bush/McCain clone. Now she thinks that NATO should get involved with the Russia/Georgia flack, and possibly have the US put sanctions against Russia and intervene for Georgia. Not even in office yet, and she wants to start another Cold War or WWIII. Way to go Lipstick Girl!!
Sounds like your concerned about what the candidates are saying....
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Actually it really doesn't matter what the candidates are saying.

Originally Posted by bionicarm

What is with you and journeyman who have this strange desire to try and win any argument you get into? Were you beat up in school, or always the kid that was picked on, so you have to have this "I'm better than you, and I can prove it" attitude? Grow up son. You may think I lost, but based on my opinions, I think he lost the argument. All these little quotes and comments you seem to be able to dig up mean nothing in the long run. Like I said, these candidates will say or do anything to get the voters to swing their way. If Obama thinks he can get more votes by saying "Stay the course. Invade Pakistan. Put sanctions on Russia.", that's what he'll say. If McCain wants to say, "Reduce federal spending. Raise taxes for the rich. Do away with abortions", and it gets him the swing votes he wants, he'll say it. The big question will be whether they'll actually follow through with all their shallow promises. I'm willing to bet neither will get 5% of their campaign promises passed while in office.
When it comes to poltical debates, there's never any real winner's or loser's. Whichever one of these idiots is chosen to run this country, it's going to affect us all the same way. You pick youre poison, and the person you think will do a better job. If he wins, I hope your right, and he does do what he claims he can do and makes it better for all of us.
Very typical Democrat response.
I think it's safe to say that nobody gets in an argument/debate hoping to lose. Then ya'll jump into insulting only because you can't think of anything better to say and it frustrates you. It frustrates you because deep down you know your wrong, but you just can't admit to it.
So by your admission...Obama will say whatever it takes to win. Then what? What happens when he wins and all the stuff he told you that you love him for ends up false.
I tend to appreciate a candidate who tells the truth from the start.


Staff member
I believe he said that both are very likely to say whatever it takes to gain votes, and for the most part, I agree. Both have flipped around like a live fish in a skillet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
What is with you and journeyman who have this strange desire to try and win any argument you get into? Were you beat up in school, or always the kid that was picked on, so you have to have this "I'm better than you, and I can prove it" attitude? Grow up son. You may think I lost, but based on my opinions, I think he lost the argument. All these little quotes and comments you seem to be able to dig up mean nothing in the long run. Like I said, these candidates will say or do anything to get the voters to swing their way. If Obama thinks he can get more votes by saying "Stay the course. Invade Pakistan. Put sanctions on Russia.", that's what he'll say. If McCain wants to say, "Reduce federal spending. Raise taxes for the rich. Do away with abortions", and it gets him the swing votes he wants, he'll say it. The big question will be whether they'll actually follow through with all their shallow promises. I'm willing to bet neither will get 5% of their campaign promises passed while in office.
When it comes to poltical debates, there's never any real winner's or loser's. Whichever one of these idiots is chosen to run this country, it's going to affect us all the same way. You pick youre poison, and the person you think will do a better job. If he wins, I hope your right, and he does do what he claims he can do and makes it better for all of us.
Thanks, I needed that.
Were you the kinda guy who tore the wings off flies and picked on the little kids cause it made you feel special?

I can't speak for the Journeyman but I will hang into a debate as long as it takes to either be shown wrong or until the other side stops with the false information.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I believe he said that both are very likely to say whatever it takes to gain votes, and for the most part, I agree. Both have flipped around like a live fish in a skillet.
Nah, I see the Obama Kool-Aid wearing off.
McCain is NOT the mainstream conservative Republican choice. But we would vote for him anyways because it's better than the Socialist candidate.


Active Member
I dont really get in on Politics....ever. But I remember a clip of John Mccain saying something similar about lipstick on a pig, and Bush too.
My question is...why does Washington have such a lipstick fetish :p


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Ya... Obama reaaallllly doesn't want the religious topic to come up again.
why should religion matter? your not supposed to have your views based on religion!!! I really respect how Obama has said that he doesn't take his faith into office, and no one can say that McCain is a true christian because hes not, i don't think cheating on your wife is very christian


your KIDDING right? a PERSONAL attack? it was word play, nothing more. McCain has used the phrase several times and his own daughter said its one of his favorites. thats easily proven. Barack was "playing the game" that your party started.
your attacks have been outright lies! Obama is responsible for the high gas price. Obama wants to raise taxes on the middle class. Obama wants to teach your kids about --- instead of reading! it's desperate and PATHETIC! your party attacked Hillary with sexist remarks when she cried. remember? but when we question Palin you scream sexism! your a bunch of desperate fools and cant admit that your party left this country FUBAR!
the facts are that MOST of you didnt even want McInsane! and the Palin choice SHOCKED you. your entire campaign is slam Barack and create doubt. lies, half truths, and propanda fuel your weak and DESPERATE attempt to avoid the issues. you hope you can slander Barack enough to convince people that even though its bad. admittedly. Obama can

thing up even worse! that your entire platform!
the facts on Palin - took 27 million in ear marks to build a sports complex in the middle of nowhere for a town of NINE THOUSAND and RAISED TAXES TO DO SO! voted NO to build a new library or city hall. endorsed the bridge to nowhere. a 300 MILLION dolllar bridge to a town of 50 who already had a perfectly managable ferry system.
Palin voted yes to hunt wolves from low flying planes. Voted no to add polar bears and beluga whales to the federal endangered species list. tried to remove books from the local library. attended a pentacostal church where they speak in tongues. promoted abstinence program over protection. is 100% against stem cell research. she is already making threats to Russia and said if Israel bombs Iran they should not be second guessed.
if we are adding these ideals to the current GOP politics then it is change. change for the worst!
the facts are she wasnt McInsanes 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice. and McCain wasn't any of your 1st or 2nd choice. so you Republicans got your 3rd choice as President and litterally a "NOBODY" as your veep. the strategy is cover her up, make her a victim, lay doubt on Barack and steal another election. i listen to conservative talk radio ALL DAY! it's pathetic and come Sept 26th. the first debate. your gonna be exposed!
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Yeah, this is a personal attack.


I read the transcript of the palin interview. Wow that was scary lol. I'm very afraid if she gets in. I just hope this election don't get cheated like the last one...heck the last 2.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidward
I read the transcript of the palin interview. Wow that was scary lol. I'm very afraid if she gets in. I just hope this election don't get cheated like the last one...heck the last 2.
CHeated, you crack me up Squid

You are probably as terrified of Palin becoming Vice President as we on the other side are of Obama becoming president.