List Approval

clown boy

Active Member
Here is my cart:
2 Percula Clownfish
1 Yellow Tang
1 24 Gallon Nano Cube
Live sand
live rock
Anything wrong or missing?


Active Member
for the tang you will need at minimum a 55 although the tang police will tell you at least a 100 throw in a coral beauty or a royal gramma there both cheap there both pretty and there both peacefull jmo


Every body says you need the proper lights for an BTA.
Add a clean up crew to your list.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Here is my cart:
2 Percula Clownfish
1 Yellow Tang
1 24 Gallon Nano Cube
Live sand
live rock
Anything wrong or missing?
You cannot ordeer the tank and fish at the same time. You have to cycle the tank first. (4-6 weeks)


Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Is a clean up crew necessary?
Clean up crew helps keep the tank clean. Walls, sand, rocks and the eat all the uneaten food.
Not necessary but a great thing to have.


Active Member
The yellow tang will definitely not work. I would not plan to put ANY tang in a 24 gallon tank. Tangs need a lot of swimming room, something a small tank cannot offer.


Active Member
Take everything off your list except the tank, LS, and the LR and youll be doing great. Unless you enjoy killing things and waisting money. I would do some serious research before you purchase anything. JMO

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Take everything off your list except the tank, LS, and the LR and youll be doing great. Unless you enjoy killing things and waisting money. I would do some serious research before you purchase anything. JMO
What's wrong with the BTA and Clownfish? :notsure:


Nothing is wrong with them, but you have to cycle your tank first. Most clown's are hearty (spelling*) fish but I would wait about 3-4 weeks before adding any livestock. And as for a anenome I would wait another month after that to make sure all the bio- levels in the tank are at a nominal level. Bio levels are your nitrate, amonia, ph, salinity, and nitrate. Also check for your calcium and Alkalinity levels before adding a anenome. These creatures are very picky when it comes to water quality, except for the bad species like Aiptasia.


Active Member
On a Nano you could get away with Power Compact lighting 150 watts would be the best it puts you at about 6.2 watts p/gallon. Look on the auction site you can find them pretty cheap there. But you deffinatly need to cycle your tank first , I would acctually wait a minimum of 8 - 10 months before adding the BTA. the perculas you could probably add in a month

clown boy

Active Member
Are you guys sure that I can only have a BTA and Clownfish in a 25 Gallon Aquarium?
Here is what someone else did with the 25 Gallon Nano Cube.


Someone asked on the ratios for crew... 1 crab (or hermit) per 5 gallons... and I'd guess the same would go for the snails...


Active Member
1 snail every 5 gallons and 1 snail every 2 gallons ..... also notice theres only 1 clown fish in that cube ... you can have as many corals as you want once your tank matures


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
1 snail every 5 gallons and 1 snail every 2 gallons ..... also notice theres only 1 clown fish in that cube ... you can have as many corals as you want once your tank matures

oops i mean 1 crab / 5 gallons .... and make sure to keep plenty of free shells around or your snails will start dissappearing due to your crabs needs