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clown boy

Active Member
Thanks for the advice, everyone.
So what do you all recommend as the best tank size for 2
Clownfish and a BTA; not just minimum, but so that they would be comfortable.
Maybe with a yellow tang too.


Active Member
no yellow tang .... please... they are too active a fish to be placed in a 24g tank. they will get to large then.... get to stressed out.... then get ich(disease).... then die..... then the ich will go to the other fish in the tank and kill them too....then the owner may stick more fish in there.... its a viscious fish killing cycle ... no tang plz.
but TO EACH THIER OWN........
p.s. no fish in there will be confertable if there is a yellow tang in there.


Active Member
I think you could do two clowns in a 25 gallon without any problems. I have two clowns and a blenny in my 28 gallon, with a BTA and a lot of soft corals. No problems. I'd say I am at the absolute limit, though, and I also do a 10% water change every week. I also have an excellent skimmer (which you'll need) and a small refugium where I grow seaweed for nutrient export.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by uberlink
I think you could do two clowns in a 25 gallon without any problems. I have two clowns and a blenny in my 28 gallon, with a BTA and a lot of soft corals. No problems. I'd say I am at the absolute limit, though, and I also do a 10% water change every week. I also have an excellent skimmer (which you'll need) and a small refugium where I grow seaweed for nutrient export.

I agree.
Depending on filtration, you could have 2 clowns, a BTA, and another small fish in there.
When I had my 20 gallon up, I had a Clownfish, Six-Line Wrasse, Firefish, and a Clown Goby.
Never had any problems.


Active Member
One other precaution you should take--however many fish you have, but all the moreso if you are pushing it on your bioload: Use lots of high quality live rock. That will help immensely.

clown boy

Active Member

Originally Posted by coachKLM
no yellow tang .... please... they are too active a fish to be placed in a 24g tank
. they will get to large then.... get to stressed out.... then get ich(disease).... then die..... then the ich will go to the other fish in the tank and kill them too....then the owner may stick more fish in there.... its a viscious fish killing cycle ... no tang plz.
but TO EACH THIER OWN........
p.s. no fish in there will be confertable if there is a yellow tang in there.
I guess I wasn't very clear with that last question, so let me re-word it: If I wanted to keep a yellow tang, a BTA, and two clownfish, what size tank would I need?


Active Member
minimum 90 gallon, you could have about 4-6 smaller fish and the 2 clowns and yellow tang, because the tang needs a big tank, but if you get that big of a tank you will need metal halide lighting to satisfy the BTA


Active Member
Absolute bear minimum I've seen for a yellow tang is 55, and I think that's too small. 75 or 90 is more like it.


Active Member
You could put the Yellow Tang in the tank, but he won't be happy.....You might enjoy him there, but think about it this way.....Why not go sit in your car on a scorcing 95 degree day with the window rolled up with no room to move or avoid the sun and we weld your car doors shut!!!!!!!!

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
good, becuase they 25 gallon nano cube does not exist.
Huh? ...researches...
Oh. 24 Gallon. :hilarious

clown boy

Active Member

Originally Posted by seasalt101
for the tang you will need at minimum a 55 although the tang police
will tell you at least a 100 throw in a coral beauty or a royal gramma there both cheap there both pretty and there both peacefull jmo
I am sorry if you consider this reviving an old thread, but I had to ask.
What is the "tang police"?

clown boy

Active Member
Since it seems that nobody knows, I'll ask my next question.
My lfs person told me that a small Yellow Tang and a small Blue Hippo would fit in a 55 gallon tank along with two Ocelleris clowns and a Royal Gramma.
Is this true? :thinking:


Active Member
It's just us being mean.
This forum is big on Tangs not being in less than a 70-something, haha.
It's like keeping yourself locked up in a small room for your whole life.