Little Bear Conch


Oh!!! So YOU'RE the reason they are sold out??!!

No, seriously, please tell me how it goes with them. As soon as they are back in stock I want to order one. How did you know how many to get?


Originally Posted by FishyFun2
Oh!!! So YOU'RE the reason they are sold out??!!

No, seriously, please tell me how it goes with them. As soon as they are back in stock I want to order one. How did you know how many to get?
I actually ordered 6...they had 4...I'm putting 1 in the 29g, and 3 in the 225g
Meowzer, how did it do in your 29 g? I'm thinking about one for my 33 g. I was looking at a fighting conch, but everything I've read says it'd be overkill for my tank size.
Thanks. I'm having a small cyano problem on the sanded. I am doing everything I can as far as reducing feeding, increasing flow, and trying to find the source. But do you think the 1 little bear would help some with that problem?


Honestly....NO.....In my experience.....diligent work.....siphoning and siphoning is what will work
also the other things you mentioned too
Thanks. :) I'll keep it up. I've also got some smaller tubing so when I do my water change on Monday I can start siphoning it out. If I can't find any improvement, I might add the conch after that.